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Bible Prophets and their teachings that must be obeyed in this time of the end  


“Each of the ancient prophets spoke less for their own time than for ours, so that their prophesying is in force for us.”
3 Selected Messages, p. 338


I n t r o d u c t i o n

When people talk of the Bible prophets, they would have directly thought of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and all other prophets who wrote the Old Testament Scriptures as : Job, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.

Due to the fact that ever since childhood all of us have been familiarly taught of such, so that when now being in the time of the end, people would tend to be at odd after hearing that there were yet to come later     prophets of the New Testament, such as : DR. Martin Luther, John Knox, John Wesley, Alexander Campbell. And even in this time of the end we should have come across several more new names, such as of  Brother William Miller, Mrs. Ellen G. White, and Brother Victor T. Houteff. True, of-course, that not too many Christians of this time of the end know them, let alone of them who are categorized as the end time prophets.

Nevertheless, though all the Christian Churches of today no more recognize the New Testament Prophets as the divinely appointed ones in this time, the Lord God Himself in His power had maintained the popularity of  His divinely agencies through the world history books and publications. And you would have found their names abiding in the well-known books of Encyclopedias as people with extra ordinary talents and power of capabilities. The world has recognized them through their books or through their talents to write. Through their works of writing or teaching they have been deemed the greatest men of the earth. Whereas Christian Churches are themselves ignorant of their own God’s agencies to save them.

During the first 2.500 years of world
history there was no written revelation

Mrs. Ellen G. White ever wrote :
“During the first twenty-five hundred years of human history, there was no written revelation. Those who had been taught of God communicated their knowledge to others, and it was handed down from father to son, through successive generations. The preparation of the written word began in the time of Moses. Inspired revelations were then embodied in an inspired book. This work continued during the long period of 1.600 years, — from Moses, the historian of creation and the Law, to John, the recorder of the most sublime truths of the gospel.” – The Great Controversy, p. 7.

From the statements of Bro. James White (husband of Mrs. White)   and from DR. Frank Charles Thomson, one of the King James version of the Bible publisher in USA of America, we know that the book of Revelation was written in the year 96. So the writing of the Bible from Moses continues during the 1600 years to end in the year 96.  

The Old Testament p r o p h e t s

Since the Bible was just written ever since in the time of Moses, then the Old Testament prophets according to Mrs. White and her statement above would consist of:  

  1. The prophets who taught only verbally at the beginning, such as : Adam, Noah, Abraham, etc. Although not so much of them have been taught us, we should believe that they should have been ever in existent.  
  2. The prophets that began in the time of Moses. Moses himself is well-known up to now of his five books : GENESIS, EXODUS, LEVETICUS, NUMBERS, and DEUTERONOMY. From those books Moses was known ever since as the historian of Creation and the Law Scientist.
  3. The other Old Testament prophets are those who have been implicated in writing the Old Testament Scriptures. All of them could be identified from those books they have written.   
  4. The prophets who did prophesy. Prophesy means to foretell or predict in symbolical language, which were yet in mystery to be interpreted later. Who are they that did to prophesy could be seen as follows : prophet Isaiah, prophet Jeremiah, prophet Ezekiel, prophet Daniel, prophet Hosea, prophet Joel, prophet Amos, prophet Obadiah, prophet Jonah, prophet Micah, prophet Nahum, prophet Habakkuk, prophet Zephaniah, prophet Haggai, prophet Zechariah, and prophet Malachi. In regard to when did they to prophesy the apostle Matthew ever said : 

“For all the prophets and the l a w (the ceremonial law of Moses) prophesied until John (the Baptist).” – Matthew 11 : 13.  (In brackets from the writer).

Let it be known that ever since the beginning God had put into the mind of Adam and Eve His L a w of the Ten Commandments. They, therefore, should have not suffered all the consequences of sin should the law could ever be maintained and obeyed.

Two thousand five hundred years later in the time of Moses, the Lord God Himself had descended on the Mount Sinai, to deliver into his hands the Decalogue of the basic law of the Ten Commandments. And later from here Moses as a law scientist then said :

“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God : but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this l a w.“ Deuteronomy 29 : 29.

The above statement from Moses was uttered 2.500 years later after  the creation of Adam and Eve, after Cain and Abel were no  more alive, after all the descendants of Noah perished in horrible flood, and after Abraham and his families were no more heard of their story.

Moses again reiterated, that those things which are revealed in the Old and the new Testament Scriptures, or in the whole Bible, and even up to now in the Spirit of prophecy and in the Shepherd’s Rod publications, that all those belong unto us, that we may do all the words of the B a s i c  L a w of the Ten Commandments.  Moses actually wanted us to know that the Law of God consists of only two things : (1) The Basic Law of the Ten Commandments on the first place, and (2) the By-Laws of the Bible and the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY on the second place.  The SPIRIT OF PROPHECY is the combination of the message of the Spirit of Prophecy by Mrs. White and the message of the Shepherd’s Rod by Brother Victor T. Houteff.

One more thing to keep in mind, that the Author of the Basic Law of the Ten Commandments is God the Father Himself. And since He is an everlasting God, then all His character and His will, embodied in the Ten Commandments, could never change. No single commandment of the basic law could ever be amended.

Attention : The fourth commandment of the Law obliging people to keep the Sabbath holy every week of the month has been changed by the Pope of the Catholic Church during the 1260 years of dark ages of religion under their power from year 538 up to 1798. Even several doctrinal points of view have been also abolished.

The New Testament Prophets

Who are those that should be recognized as the New Testament prophets b e f o r e the time of the end ? Let us go to the well-known apostle Paul for the right answer. Paul will give us the criterion that should be met by the servants of God, who are to be deemed right to the job as the New Testament prophets. Here below he ever said :

“And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ : that we hence fort  be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” – Ephesians 4 : 11 – 14.

Since Jesus has only twelve apostles, then the second official job of His ministry as those mentioned by apostle Paul would be gone to the p r o p h e t s. So according to their job, which is to edify the body of Christ, the prophets would have been found just after the era of the apostles. And they would surely be found during the dark ages of religion between the year 538 and 1798. Regarding the 1260 years period of the dark ages of religion, the Lord Jesus has ever said :

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved : but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” Matthew 24 : 21 – 22.

World history has shown us that millions upon millions of Christians had lost their lives in very cruel manner in the hands of the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, during the dark ages of religion between the year 538 and the year 1798. However, due to the move of reformation that began with DR. Martin Luther and his fellow reformers in the year 1.500, the unlimited power of the pope began to wane. And that in the end with the imprisonment of the pope by general Berthier of France, and died in 1798, then is the end of the era of the so-called the dark ages of religion.   

According to the criteria of the jobs mentioned by Paul above, then the New Testament prophets, who had edified the body of Christ after the era of the apostles, should have been as follows :  

  1. DR. Martin Luther, with his doctrinal subject: “THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH” will be the prophet and founder of the Protestant Church ever since the beginning in the year 1500.  
  2. Bro. John Knox, with his further doctrinal subject : “THE HOLY SPIRIT”, he is the prophet and founder of the Presbyterian Church after that.
  3. Bro. John Wesley, with his doctrinal subject : “G r a c e“, he is the prophet and edifier of the body of Christ by the name The Methodist Church.
  4. Alexander Campbell with his doctrinal subject : Baptism by immersion. He is the prophet and edifier of the body of Christ by the name : The Baptist Church. 

The sacrifices and services of the servants of God mentioned above are the only means, by which Jesus said :  “ …. for the sake of the elects those days of the tribulation must be shortened.” And those days of tribulation had been shortened by the sacrifices and services of the New Testament prophets mentioned above.  The above servants of God, through their reform movement that have toppled the deadly power of Papacy of the Roman Catholic Church, at the same time had shortened the days of the tribulation and the sufferings of the Christians as those mentioned by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24 : 21 – 22.

The powerful pope seemed to have been paralyzed neither by might nor by power of men, but only by the sword of the Lord’s own Word. See Rev. 13 : 14 margin. That is the message of, “The Just shall live by faith,” proclaimed by Luther ever since the beginning of his reformatory message to the world, during the dark ages of religion. And this is why, in his own testimony he said,

“I will preach, discuss, and write; but I will constrain none, for faith is a voluntary act. See what I have done. I stood up against the pope, indulgences, and papists, but without violence or tumult. I put forward God’s word; I preached and wrote — this was all I did. And yet while I was asleep, ……… the word that I had preached overthrew popery, so that neither prince nor emperor has done it so much harm. And yet I did nothing; the word alone did all.”The Great Controversy, p. 190.

However, let us also remember of how Mrs. White has warned us in the following words :

“The reformation did not, as many suppose, end with Luther. It is to be continued to the close of this world’s history. Luther had a great work to do in reflecting to others the light which God had permitted to shine upon him; yet he did not receive all the light which was to be given to the world. From that time to this, new light has been continually shining upon the Scriptures, and new truths have been constantly unfolding.” The Story of Redemption, p. 353. 

Luther and his fellow reformers had been tasked to revive all the light of truths that were ever abolished by the powerful popes of the Roman Catholic Church. Due to the fact that there are yet many more Bible truths to be revealed, we would have to meet more divinely appointed prophets later after their life time, which is just in time of the end.

The End Time Prophets

The angel Gabriel had ever said to Daniel the following words :

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of end : many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” —  Daniel 12 : 4. 

We all must know for sure that the book of Daniel contained several prophecies that were still in mystery in the time of the prophet. However, the angel Gabriel said to Daniel that the book will be shut up and sealed only up to the time of the end. That means that ever since the beginning of the end time the book will be interpreted and revealed. To Daniel was also informed of the end time and its identities,  that, (1) many shall run to and fro on the earth, as people in the big cities of the earth today flying from one place to another, and (2) the science and technology increased tremendously without ceasing. From the history we know that the end time according to historical facts mentioned above began in the eighteenth century, after the end of the 1260 years of Roman Catholic supremacy, after the death of the Pope Pius in prison of the French government in 1798.

The fact that Daniel is a divinely appointed prophet, then all the secret things of his prophecies must unavoidably be interpreted also by a divinely appointed prophet or prophets in this time of the end.  To that end that Bro. William Miller had emerged on the stage of history to proclaim the prophecy of Daniel 8 : 14 and its interpretation, which has shown us October 22, 1844 as the beginning of the investigative judgment on the cases of all the people of God to take place in the heavenly court of justice, in the heavenly sanctuary above.

The servant of God, Mrs. Ellen G. White, ever since her young hood was a member of the Methodist Church, was then later affiliated with the Church of Bro. Miller, to receive right from him the message of the prophecy of Daniel 8 : 14 and all its interpretation.

Whereas Mrs. White herself ever since in the year 1844 had already got several visions, that have been documented for us people of the Laodicean Church of this time of the end. Whereas Bro. William Miller himself did not write, so that all his activities  of the past as the first angel of Revelation 14 should have been documented by Mrs. White in her publications of the Spirit of Prophecy. Therefore, to assure us of the personality of Bro. Miller as the true servant of the Lord, Mrs. White should have written for us as follows :

“Moses erred as he was about to enter the Promised Land. So also, I saw that William Miller erred as he was soon to enter the heavenly Canaan, in suffering his influence to go against the truth. Others led him to this; others must account for it. But angels watch the precious dust of this servant of God, and he will come forth at the sound of the last trump.”Early Writings, p. 258.

The second angel’s message of Revelation 14 represents the fall of the Christian world to become Babylon, which means a great confusion as soon as after the failures of Bro. William Miller and his movement to proclaim the second advent of Jesus to be realized in 1844.

Since every new light or new truth of the Bible should not discard the old ones, that have ever come earlier, then with the coming of Mrs. White and her message of the Spirit of Prophecy, the whole truth of the prophecy of Daniel 8 : 14 regarding the 2.300 prophetic days that terminated in October 22, 1844 as the message of the first angel of Revelation 14, and about the fall of Babylon of the second angel message of Revelation 14, both messages should have been united to become the third angel message of the Revelation 14, or in other word, “the three angels’ messages” of Revelation 14.

Thus is the Spirit of Prophecy of Mrs. White that would have included the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 : 6 – 9.  Mrs. White then further said:

“The prophecy of the first angel’s message, brought to view in Revelation 14, found its fulfillment in the advent movement of 1840 – 1844.”The Story of Redemption, p. 356. 

“The second angel’s message was to go to Babylon (the Churches) proclaiming her downfall, and calling the people to come out of her. This same message is to be proclaimed the second time.”Testimonies to Ministers, p. 59.

“The proclamation, “Babylon is fallen,” was given in the summer of 1844, and as the result, about fifty thousand withdrew from these churches.” – The Story of Redemption, p. 365.  

“As the ministration of Jesus closed in the holy place, and He passed into the holiest, and stood before the ark containing the law of God, He sent another mighty angel with a third message to the world ……………

“After Jesus opened the door of the most holy, the light of the Sabbath was seen, and the people of God were tested, as the children of Israel were tested anciently, to see if they would keep God’s law.” —  Early Writings, p. 254.

N o t e :  Mrs. White is the sixth of the New Testament prophets implicated in the Reform movement ever since DR. Martin Luther as the first and his co-laborers, to recover all the Bible doctrines which had been changed and abolished during the reign of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. If DR. Martin Luther is the first reformer, then Mrs. White would be the sixth one to recover the fourth commandment of the Sabbath law to be again observed every week.  Thus according to her own statement, the Sabbath commemoration of the fourth commandment of the Decalogue was just restored in 1844 in the Laodicean Church of Seventh day Adventist of her own founding.

Victor T. Houteff as
the last of all the end time prophets

In regard to this last prophet John the Revelator had ever told us in the following words :

“And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power ; and the earth was lightened with his glory.“Revelation 18 : 1.

The servant of the Lord, Mrs. Ellen G. White then interpreted this verse in the following words :

“Then I saw another mighty angel commissioned to descend to the earth, to unite his voice with the third angel, and give power and force to his message. Great power and glory were imparted to the angel, and as he descended, the earth was lightened with his glory. The light which attended this angel penetrated everywhere, as he cried mightily, with a strong voice, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” The message of the fall of Babylon, as given by the second angel, is repeated, with the additional mention of the corruptions which have been entering the churches since 1844. The work of this angel comes in at the right time to join in the last great work of the third angel’s message as it swells to a loud cry. And the people of God are thus prepared to stand in the hour of temptation, which they are soon to meet. I saw a great light resting upon them, and they united to fearlessly proclaim the third angel’s message.” – Early Writing, p. 277. 

Since the coming of the end time prophets has long been fulfilled, and they all even are already dead, we must unavoidably admit, that

  1. N o w the third angel message of Revelation 14 : 9 should have included the whole three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. And that is the message of the Spirit of Prophecy by Mrs. White. 
  2. And the message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1 should have unavoidably represented the message of the Shepherd’s Rod with the author is Bro. Victor T. Houteff, to be the last of all end time prophets of this time. 
  3. And the combination of the message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1 with the third angel should have been found in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10.

Due to the fact from Moses own statement in Deuteronomy 29 : 29, that all things that have been revealed up to the time of the end should have been obeyed as r u l e s of implementation of the Basic Law of the Ten Commandments. So all things that have been revealed would be none other than : THE BIBLE and THE THREE ANGELS’ MESSAGES, and THE MESSAGE OF THE SHEPHERD’S ROD. All these messages have now been accommodated in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10. Part B : “ ….. Worship GOD : for the testimony of Jesus is THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.”  

Long before the name “JESUS“ was known in the Old Testament, Isaiah and David as Old Testament prophets were not as yet aware that JESUS was the name of the AUTHOR of all the words of the Holy Scriptures.  Just later after His mission accomplished in the year 31, John the Revelator then said, “The testimony of Jesus is THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.”  So now, in these late hours of the time of the end, let us understand that the whole Bible have now been interpreted into the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, to become r u l e s of implementation of the Basic Law of the Ten Commandments. The combination of the messages of the three angels of Revelation 14, and the message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1, have now been provided us in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. Messages of those angels have now been enlightening the earth, beginning in our own Laodicean Church of SDA, in our own household, and even in our own personality.

     Those prophets prophesied in Amos 3 : 7

Prophet Amos in his prophetic words ever said : 

“Hear this word that the Lord has spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying : You only have I known of all the families of the earth : therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. ………….Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid ? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it ? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.” Amos 3 : 1, 2, 6, 7.

The fact that w e the Laodicean Church are the antitypical Israelites of today, who are now on our second exodus to the promised land in the Palestine; and due to our spiritual condition that is not so much different than of those of Israelites the type on their way to the promised Land in the past, it is unavoidably clear that the prophetic words of prophet Amos above should have positively applied today in the Laodicean Church. The Lord God is surely soon to cleanse His Church of the Laodiceans of this time of the end. But first He would have His s e c r e t things revealed among us through His servants the end time prophets.

The secret things as we all know should have comprised: the prophecies of the Old Testament, the parables of Jesus in the New Testament, and the mysterious book of Revelation. All those as Testimonies of Jesus Christ should have been developed fully in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10. Then as r u l e s of implementation of the Basic Law of the Ten Commandments, they all must be fully comprehended and obeyed. They are now seriously promoted in our midst, to let the people understand before the great and dreadful day of the Lord to come in the near future, as those prophesied in Ezekiel chapter 9,  Isaiah 66 : 16 – 20 and Malachi 3 : 1, 2.  And to this end Mrs. Ellen G. White again warned us the following words:

“Solemnly evildoers were warned of the day of judgment to come and of Jehovah’s purpose to visit with swift destruction every transgressor. Yet none were left without hope; Malachi’s prophecies of judgment were accompanied by invitations to the impenitent to make their peace with God. “Return unto Me,” “and I will return unto you.”Malachi 3 : 7.

“It seems as if every heart must respond to such an invitation. The God of heaven is pleading with His erring children to return to Him, that they may again co-operate with Him in carrying forward His work in the earth.”Prophets and Kings, p. 706.                                 

 C o n c l u s i o n

The servant of the Lord Mrs. Ellen G. White ever reminded us in the following words : 

“Each of the ancient prophets spoke less for their own time than for ours, so that their prophesying is in force for us.” 3 Selected Messages, p. 338.

The fact that Christians in general today appreciate more to hear the voices of their ministers than the voices of God through His Bible prophets, and  due to the fact that ministers of the gospel are themselves more obedient to the voices of their Organization than the voices of God through His end time prophets, then the voice of prophecy from Prophet Jeremiah with a very grave warning here below would have been fulfilled soon unavoidably :    


The people who are to be accursed by the Lord in this time of the end would be none other than the Laodiceans themselves of this time of the end, who should have been implicated in the sin of trusting in men of the leadership of the Church. They have been implicated in the sin, which is no more pardonable. And the ministers, who have been implicated in the same sin, are those who are too dependent upon the Organization of the angel of the Laodicean Church. And to such ministers of the Laodicean Church, the servant of the Lord Mrs. White warned : “BUT I SAW THAT THE MINISTERS DID NOT ESCAPE THE WRATH OF GOD. THEIR SUFFERING WAS TENFOLD GREATER THAN THAT OF THEIR PEOPLE.” – Early Writings, p. 282.




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