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Some of Our Problems


Some of the cases asked below are actually our common problems. You also have the opportunity to ask any questions, because all of them will also increase our knowledge and understanding of the Sabbath and the way of its purification as taught in the SPIRIT OF THE PROPHECY.

(1) Question:

R i c e and some vegetables cooked on Fridays were not all able to survive until lunchtime on the Sabbath. Even if heated on the Sabbath morning, it was no longer as good as the first time it was cooked. How is the solution?


Every housewife and cooks should know and understand which vegetables should not be served on the Sabbaths given their limited durability. Rice can be replaced by “ketupat” or cooked by using a rice cooker with the right timing. The servant of the Lord said:

         “The Sabbath of the Lord is a day of rest from labor; and the diet upon that day should be more simple, and partaken of in less quantities, than upon the six laboring days, because we do not have that exercise upon the Sabbath that we have upon other days of the week. Many have erred in not practicing self-denial upon the Sabbath. By partaking of full meals, as on the six laboring days, their minds are beclouded; they are stupid, and often drowsy; some suffer with headache. Such have no truly-devotional feelings upon the Sabbath, and the blessing resting upon the Sabbath does not prove a blessing to them.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, p. 226.

(2) Question:

With the development of science and technology in the end of the world today, not a few goods and services that have been produced. All of those also have provided us with many facilities for our religious life in this world. For example: By simply pressing the button, then without spending any energy we can already get hot water in the morning of the Sabbath. Without sweating we also can get rice and vegetables warm on the Sabbath, without needing to make a fire to heat food. Even without pressing the buttons various foods can be preserved in the refrigerator cabinets. And even dirty clothes can be washed in the machine with only two presses of the button. Is it sin for us the various conveniences are used on the Sabbath?


The servant of the Lord said: “The Lord is no less particular now in regard to His Sabbath than when He gave the foregoing special directions to the children of Israel.  He required them to bake that which they would bake, and seethe (that is, boil,) that which they would seethe on the sixth day, preparatory to the rest of the Sabbath. Those who neglect to prepare for the Sabbath on the sixth day, and who cook food upon the Sabbath, violate the fourth commandment, and are transgressors of God’s law. All who are really anxious to observe the Sabbath according to the commandment, will not cook any food upon the Sabbath. They will, in the fear of that God who gave His law from Sinai, deny themselves, and eat food prepared upon the sixth day, even if it is not as palatable.  God forbade the children of Israel baking and boiling upon the Sabbath.  That prohibition should be regarded by every Sabbath-keeper, as a solemn injunction from JEHOVAH to them. The Lord would guard His people from indulging in gluttony upon the Sabbath, which He has set apart for sacred meditation and worship.”Spiritual Gifts, vol. III, pp. 253, 254.

Indeed many goods and services resulting from the advancement of science and technology have been widely used among us on the Sabbath day, either as a heating device or a food cooler, or as a direct food cooker. Whether or not this action could be justified, I do not know, because I am not justified to judge such types of sin, except for the kind of sin against the Holy Spirit. But we need to note that washing clothes on the Sabbath is strictly prohibited because such actions are by no means urgent to be done on the holy Sabbath day of the Lord. Finally, we would like to add that the servant of God Mrs. White also reminded us as follows:

           “We would charge all not to wash their dishes on the Sabbath if this can possibly be avoided. God is dishonored by any unnecessary work done on His holy day. It is not inconsistent, but proper, that the dishes should be left unwashed till the close of the Sabbath, if this can be managed.” – Letter 104, 1901.” – Selected Messages, Book 3, p. 258.

(3) Question:

Can we eat at the restaurant on the Sabbath?


       When the hour to eat arrives, then we can eat in restaurants, in stalls, or anywhere food is available; provided only for food. This means we are not allowed to shop anything to take home.

(4) Question:

Often in our church there is plenty of food offered to the audience after the Sabbath service. However, the meals are generally prepared on Friday nights, which is the night of the holy Sabbath hours. May we eat them ?


When the hour to eat arrives, then we can eat anywhere, regardless of whether the food is cooked on the Sabbath or on Friday. But as God’s law-keeping people, we should remember that all our food must be prepared on Friday, the day of preparation. More over food for the Sabbath should be as simple as possible, as the Lord said to his servant Mrs. White for us. The meals prepared on Friday night of the holy Sabbath hours are fragrantly sinning against the Sabbath law.

(5) Question:        

Arriving home from work or from a long journey, it is often late at night, that is, it has entered the sacred Sabbath hours. Can we still bathe to cleanse the body from the dirt of sweat and dust of travel and work?       


It is okay, for we must enter the Sabbath with sound physically and mentally from the Sabbath morning to the afternoon to learn and teach the available truth. The only day to be used as free as possible for the inquiry of the truth of the word of God is the Sabbath. Therefore, the holy Sabbath hours are not to be spent in bed.

(6) Question:       

Since we are not permitted to take a bath on the Sabbath, can it be justified that baptism to be held on the Sabbath?       


The servant of God Mrs. White has ever said in the following words :

“The disciples, in doing the work of Christ, were engaged in God’s service, and that which was necessary for the accomplishment of this work it was right to do on the Sabbath day. “Christ would teach His disciples and His enemies that the service of God is first of all. The object of God’s work in this world is the redemption of man; therefore, that which is necessary to be done on the Sabbath in the accomplishment of this work is in accord with the Sabbath law.” The Desire of Ages, p. 285.

(7) Question:        

Can a church building plan and various thoughts on donations in the framework of procurement of funds discussed on the Sabbath, be justified?       


All deeds and work that should not be done on the Sabbath, the plan should not be discussed too on the Sabbath. This is certainly understandable, because all our actions generally begin from the mind. Our repentance begins in the mind, then it is realized in action. Remember the story of one of the repentant murderers, hanging beside Jesus on the Golgotha hill. (Read Luke 23 : 32, 33, 39 – 43). For this is the servant of the Lord warned:

“The words and thoughts should be guarded. Those who discuss business matters and lay plans on the Sabbath are regarded of God as though they engaged in the actual transaction of business. To keep the Sabbath holy, we should not even allow our minds to dwell upon things of a worldly character.”Testimony Treasures, vol. 2, p. 185.

(8) Question:

          What is the quality of our Sabbath School at this time? We very much doubt it, because the members’ knowledge does not seem to ever increase. Even the knowledge of the so-called Spirit of Prophecy of the third angel’s message of the 14th chapter of Revelation, as well as the knowledge of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10 is absolutely nonexistent. What is your response?


          The quality of education of a School depends on several factors, among others, are as follows:

  1. Mastery of subject matters by teachers,
  2. Extensive of subject matter to be first provided,
  3. Readiness of students in the sense of physically ready (healthy) and mentally prepared (hungry and thirst for knowledge learned).
  4. The existence of discipline which should be upheld by all parties,
  5. The existence of a common aspiration pursued …..
  6. There must be a careful periodic observation of the results achieved.

           All of the above factors do not exist in our Sabbath Schools around the world. The Sabbath School lesson given itself is so vague that it does not guide the teachers to master it. The breadth of the given subject matter is unclear, from whence to where, so how many years people go to school, the Bible never ends up to being discussed.

          Meanwhile, the students are generally less healthy, because even if their physical is healthy, but their spirit does not show any hunger and thirsty for new truths from the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. The absence of discipline, that need to be embraced, that the Sabbath School had become an arbitrary argument; and the result of that argument is embraced as the truth of God’s word. Thus human opinion continues to be upheld, while the Spirit of Prophecy that developed into the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY is unknown. Meanwhile, the Bible has never been fully understood by all of its members. The book of Revelation is tightly closed from the investigation of the people.

The absence of ideals being pursued, for all are the same, both Adventists and outsiders alike are awaiting Jesus’ second coming. Even the saddest, that no observation at all about how far the Bible has been dug up, and how much more has yet to be extracted. Such is the spiritual condition of the Laodicean Church of SDA at this time, whom the servant of God Mrs. White has predicted as follows:

“Men and women are in the last hours of probation, and yet are careless and stupid, and ministers have no power to arouse them; they are asleep themselves. Sleeping preachers preaching to a sleeping people.”Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 337.

(9) Question :        

What does the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 say about the woman who covers her head? Does not verse 15 indicate that her hair is her hood?       


“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11 : 3.

Consider the order in which divinity and humanity are related: God, Christ, men, woman. Thus, that “every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered dishonored his head (God). But every woman that prayed or prophesied with her head uncovered dishonored her head : for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn : (that is, if she does not wear a hat, she should cut her hair): but if she is shameful for a woman to be shaved her hair, then she should be hooded (let her wear a hat). For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God: but women are the glory of men.” Verses 4 – 7.

This verse teaches plainly that men should take off their caps when praying or prophesying (teaching the gospel), while women must wear their caps.

One can not logically conclude from verse 15, that a woman’s hair is the intended veil. If that were so, then logically men should shave their heads to make a difference between the two.

After all, if a woman’s hair was the required veil, why would the Bible say she should wear it when “praying and prophesying?” What else could she do? And is it possible that she took off her hair when she did not pray, otherwise she wore a wig ?

Therefore, the Gospel makes it clear, that at every occasion of worship that requires men to take off their caps, it is also necessary for women to wear their caps.

(10) Question :

We are businessmen of cow’s milk with a number of cows that must be served continuously every day: to be fed, cleaned up, milked, and delivered to customers every day. Please explain, what jobs should be avoided so that they are not performed on the Sabbath?


The servant of the Lord said: “There are cases in which Christ has given permission to labor even on the Sabbath in saving the life of men or of animals. But if we violate the letter of the fourth commandment for our own advantage from a pecuniary point of view we become Sabbath breakers and are guilty of transgressing all the commandments, for if we offend in one point we are guilty of all. If in order to save property we break over the express command of Jehovah, where is the stopping place ? Where shall we set the bounds ? Transgress in a small matter, and look upon it as no particular sin on our part, and the conscience become hardened, the sensibilities blunted, until we can still go further and perform quit an amount of labor and still flatter ourselves that we are Sabbath keepers, when, and according to Christ’s, we are breaking every one of God’s holy precept. There is a fault with Sabbath keepers in this respect; but God is very particular, and all who think that they are saving a little time, or advantaging themselves by infringing a little on the Lord’s time, will meet with the loss sooner or later. He cannot bless them as it would be His pleasure to do, for His name is dishonored by them, His precepts lightly esteemed. God’s curse will rest upon them, and they will lose ten or twenty fold more than they gain. “Will a man rob God ? Yet ye have robbed Me, …………. Even this whole nation.” Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 532.

It is only an urgent job to protect the cows rather than sickness and death, which may be done on the Sabbath. Example: feeding, for this food should have been collected from the previous day. Milking: if this work can still be postponed, so not do it on the Sabbath. But if this work is so urgent that the cows do not fall ill, then you are permitted to carry it out on the Sabbath. Delivering milk to customers; even if this work is urgent, but because it is no longer related to the life of the cows themselves, this work is to be arranged separately, so there is no need to involve you in it on the Sabbath.

(11) Question:

            We have a family company that employs a number of employees, both religious Sabbath-keeping and non-Sabbath-keeping. For the types of work that could not be stopped on the Sabbath, they were handed over to employees who did not know the law of the Sabbath. Thus, all our family members together with the faithful employees can freely stop on the Sabbath. Is such an arrangement so true according to the Spirit of Prophecy?


For such a case the servant of God Mrs. White said :

“A Sabbath keeper can not allow the men he hired, who were paid from his money, to work on the Sabbath. If by reason of profit he lets his business, where he is concerned to continue on the Sabbath by his unbelieving companion; then it is his duty to terminate the employment relationship, no matter how great the loss may be. One may suppose that they can not possibly obey God, but they cannot possibly resist Him. Those who are negligent in keeping the Sabbath holiness will suffer great harm.” Review and Herald, March 18, 1884.       

The same case can be questioned, for example: ‘Can Adventists employ Security Units to keep the security of their offices, or factories, or housing complexes during the Sabbath?

(12) Question:

All this time we have been preached to be on guard against the “Sunday law” which will soon be imposed upon us as Seventh day Adventist people. Is this true for us to take it into consideration ?


Sunday’s law is one of the major oppressors the Enemy will use in the future tribulation. Because the great tribulation will only begin after the coming of the Davidic future kingdom, that is, after the cleansing of our present Laodicean Church of Seventh-Day Adventist, it is understood that the great tribulation can no longer harm us, for our spiritual condition at that time is already holy, and even we are equipped with great power from the Holy Spirit of the Later Rain.

The people who are to face and experience in the coming great tribulation are those who are now still outside. The servant of the Lord said:

“No one has yet received the mark of the beast. The testing time has not yet come. There are true Christians in every Church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion. None are condemned until they have had the light and have seen the obligation of the fourth commandment. But when the decree shall go forth enforcing the counterfeit Sabbath, and the loud cry of the third angel shall warn men against the worship of the beast and his image, the line will be clearly drawn between the false and the true. Then those who still continue in transgression will receive the mark of the beast.”Evangelism, pp. 234, 235.

After the great whore who symbolized the great Babylon took over the world in the coming history, the loud cry of the third angel should be delivered to all true Christians who are still left in Babylon to come out of her. Read Revelation 18 : 4. They will face coercion to obey the Sunday law under the threat of “not to sell and buy” in society, and other severe punishments. This is it which was prophesied in Revelation 17.

(13) Question:       

There are many people who have been granted membership status of the SDA Church without being baptized. The reason is that they have been baptized by immersion in their original Churches. What is your response?        


It is necessary to realize that we are living in the time of the end. Soon the great tribulation of Revelation chapter 17 will begin. The minister said that it is precisely at this time that there are some typical Christians that must be correctly identified, so that we do not easily be deceived by them. The first of them is the Babylonian Christians Churches from the Lutheran Protestant Church to Miller’s First Adventist Church, all of these were fallen in sin against the light and having been left in partial darkness, fulfilling his prophecy of the second angel’s message of Revelation 14 : 8.

The second typical Christianity is the Church of the Roman Catholic. Although this Church now uses the Bible as a basic material of their faith, it does not mean that the entire Bible has been unearthed. In fact, their form of worship is still the same as it used to be.

The third form of Christianity is the Church of Spiritism, or in English is called “Spiritualism.” As the name implies, the Churches of this group relied more heavily on the various spirits that gave birth to miracles of healing and other miracles. Since humans have their own spirits, they teach that the human soul never dies.

The fourth type of Christianity is our own Laodicean Church of SDA, which is now divided into two classes of people :  the five wise virgins on the one hand, and the foolish five virgins on the other hand. Here the complete doctrinal points of the Bible religion are found with the five wise virgins.

Prospective baptisms from Babylonian Christian Churches may be freed from the requirements of baptism, provided they have been baptized according to the biblical guidance. Mrs. Ellen G. White and her fellow sisters obtained their baptism in the Methodist Church. Even though the minister who baptized them was known to be very opposed to Miller and his message, and did not even consent to baptism by immersion, their baptism was considered valid, for in fact they were no longer repeating their baptism in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

But facing prospective baptisms coming from the Churches of Spiritism, we should be very careful, because their origin is unknown in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. Their churches have never been declared “left behind in a partial darkness” (Counsels on Sabbath School work, p. 28). Though their knowledge and obedience to the Bible is much more advanced than the existing Christian Churches of Babylon, yet they are not God’s people. Therefore, every new member who comes from their Churches should have to be baptized.

(14) Question:        

The heads of the prophetic beasts of Revelation chapter 13 and chapter 17 symbolize the Churches. Apparently there are seven heads on each of the beasts, which symbolize the whole Christian Churches in the historical period of each beast. Did the great whore also occupy one of the heads that symbolizes the SDA Church of this time of the end  ?       


The beast of Revelation chapter 17 is essentially an image of the beast of Revelation chapter 13 before one of its heads was wounded by a sword. So the beast of Revelation chapter 17 symbolizes the world during the great tribulation to come. The appearance of the beast with the great whore on his heads showed that the great tribulation had begun.       

Meanwhile at that time the Holy Spirit of the Latter-rain should have been poured out upon the elected saints of the 144,000 Israelites of God in the Davidic kingdom, who had been just recently inaugurated to stand with the Lord Jesus (Revelation 14 : 1). This means the Seventh-day Adventist Church symbolized by the Laodicean Church should have been purified fulfilling its prophecy in Ezekiel chapter 9, Isaiah chapter 66 and Malachi chapter 3. Thus no single Church of SDA would ever be found on earth to be represented to one of the heads of the beast of Revelation chapter 17, to be occupied by that great whore in the future.

So from the mouth of the servant of God, Mrs. White, we have been warned as follows:

“When anyone arises, either among us or outside of us, who is burdened with a message which declares that the people of God are numbered with Babylon, and claims that the loud cry is a call to come out of her, you may know that he is not bearing the message of truth. Receive him not, nor bid him Godspeed; for God has not spoken by him neither has He given a message to him, but he has run before he was sent.”Testimonies to Ministers, p. 41.

           This means that up to the end of the world history, that great whore will never succeed to have power upon the Laodicean Church of SDA.

(15) Question:

           The servant of the Lord Mrs. White said: “God gives man nine-tenths, instead he demands a tenth for holy purposes, just as He has given six days to man for his own work but reserves and sets aside the seventh day for Himself. Because like the Sabbath, a tenth part of the added result is sacred. God has reserved it for Himself.”Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 395. How is it possible for us to also purify the Lord’s Tithes?


Calculating the amount of money of the tithes owed is actually not difficult. The difficulty generally lies in 3 (three) main factors that follow:

a.    The willingness to fully pay the tithe’s debt,
b.    To whom should the tithe money be submitted ?
c.    When and on which day should the tithe money be submitted ?

      God’s people should be able to realize that any attempt to keep the purity of the holy Sabbath day of the Lord can only be maintain, if all the rules of its implementation in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY are obeyed. Similarly, the “tithe”. If we are to carry out the payment of the tithe money of God according to the instructions of its rules of implementation in the SPIRIT OF THE PROPHECY, then the sanctity of the Tithe could be maintained.

      The obligation on tithe paying for the Laodiceans of this time of the end has been prophesied in Malachi chapter 3 : 10.  But since verse 10 is not independent, we should study the prophecies from verses 1 to 18. In fact, chapter 3 is not independent, but is still related to chapter 4. The servant of the Lord said:        

“Will a man rob God ? Yet ye have robbed Me.  But ye say, Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse : for ye have robbed Me, even this whole nation. …………… The prophecy has a special application to the last days, and teaches God’s people their duty to bring a proportion of their substance as a free will offering to the Lord.”Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 222.

The prophecy of Malachi chapter 3 is especially applicable to us the Laodicean Church of Seventh-day Adventists, for we are the only people of the Lord in this time of the end. So look for an interpretation of Malachi’s prophecy as complete as it is in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. it will be known to you exactly to whom the tithes should go, so that there will be a complete ‘food’ for you.

Furthermore, to find out in the course of the supposed tithe should be submitted, then let us follow the instructions of its implementation in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY as follows,       

“The matter of giving is not left to impulse. God has given us definite instruction in regard to it. He has specified tithes and offerings as the measure of our obligation. And He desires us to give regularly and systematically. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, “Concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches at Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.” Let each regularly examine his income, which is all a blessing from God, and set apart the tithe as a separate fund, to be sacredly the Lord’s. This fund should not in any case be devoted to any other use; it is to be devoted solely to support the ministry of the gospel. After the tithe is set apart, let gifts and offering be apportioned, “as God hath prospered” you.“ Review and Herald, May 9, 1893.

It is clear that in the experience of God’s people in the days of the last apostles, the Tithes and the offerings were never levied from members on the Sabbath day of the holy God. It was never even publicly demonstrated in the temple as it is today. The Lord God has given us a steady clue to that, so that the surrender of the Tithe money and offerings is not done publicly in the church buildings on the holy Sabbath day.

If only the guidance of execution in the SPIRIT OF THE PROPHECY would be obeyed in the payment of our Tithe and offerings, then the SPIRIT of God Himself will control our willingness to periodically return the Tithes fully to the treasury of the house of God.

(16) Question:       

Pastors, evangelists, teachers, colporteurs, and all Mission employees do not pay their own tithe, since their Tithe is deducted directly by the payer. Is it then that they can be considered as honest and faithful Tithe payers?        


The Lord God said: “Bring thou all the tithe into the treasury, that there may be food in my house, and try unto me now, saith the LORD of hosts …” Malachi 3 : 10.        

The words: “Bring with you ………… and try unto me now ……..” show a suggestion, and not coercion. Because paying the Tithe is one of the deeds of faith, the honesty and loyalty of each member is tested in the payment of the Tithe. Those who are honest and faithful to obey the obligations of the Tithing will be blessed with spiritual and material blessings.        

If the tithes that were cut directly by the Organization to be regarded as faithfully done by those people, the blessings promised by the Lord in verses 10 and 11 should have been long seen ever since in their personalities and homes. Even if the blessing of the promised material has not yet been fully materialized, the spiritual blessing of mastering the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY should already be seen in their personalities. But how is it now ?       

The fact in reality is exactly the opposite. God just accuses them: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot : I would thou wert cold or hot. …….. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing ; and knowest not that thou are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” Revelation 3 : 15, 17.        

The above accusation is directed to the angel of the Laodicean Church, specifically to the pastors and their fellow workers, whose tithes are cut directly by their offices of the angel of the Laodicean Church. Since they continue to be hostile to Elijah’s Message prophesied in Malachi chapters 3 and 4, then, however honest they maybe to pay their tithes, whether by cutting directly or by paying out themselves, they will never be able to live up to the Elijah Message.

(17) Question:

Why do those who reject Elijah’s message their householders are generally more blessed materially by the Lord than we who have welcomed the message ever since many years ago?


When the antitypical Elijah came in 1929 revealing the secret things of Malachi’s prophecy chapters 3 and 4 in the SDA Church denominations, all of us as the Israelites of today have been found robbing God. For that we are cursed with a “curse” that God spoke to Malachi 3 : 9. But if we repent and obey the instructions of the tithe in verse 10, then we are promised “a blessing” in that verse too.

The blessing promised in Malachi 3 : 10 as described above is a spiritual blessing only. Therefore, those who deliberately neglect the offer of spiritual blessing cannot be spiritually condemned, the unforgivable sin, because they have sinned against the light from heaven. But thanks to the material is still there because God still gives rain and heat to all good and evil human beings with as much. Strictly speaking, the physical curse has not been poured out by God into this world.

Therefore, let us not be discouraged. Even though the enemies of Elijah’s Messiah continue to feast on their material prosperity, yet in their blind spiritual condition they no longer realize that they are cursed in the sight of God.

(18) Question:

In several sermons from the pulpit discussing the tithe, some wealthy members are often promoted as exemplary members, who due to their loyalty to pay tithes in the past, they are now becoming the main supporters of God’s work in Indonesia with their money every month. Since being baptized several years ago up to this day we also still adhere to the rules of Tithing faithfully. But the condition of our household economy remains miserable. That is, not rich nor even poor. We believe there are still many more members of our Church who share our fate. The problem with us is : (a) Is God the Lord of favoritism? (b) Why is God inconsistent with His promise in Malachi 3 : 10, so that only a few are blessed of the Lord abundantly ?


Paying Tithing is one of the works of faith. People make Tithe payments because they understand and believe (believe). After the writings of Malachi 3 : 10 are understood and believed, the Tithes will be paid in the hope that what they believe will come true. But because the reality is so contradictory, then we should reconsider whether God is God of favoritism and inconsistent with His promise, or indeed because the prophecy of Malachi 3 : 10 has been misinterpreted to us for a very long time.

We have our Creator, who is just and consistent with His words, then He can not choose love of favoritism and not to be consistent with His own words. Therefore, the prophecy of Malachi 3 : 10 must have unavoidably been misunderstood and misrepresented among us for a very long time.

Therefore, it should be understood now that Malachi 3 : 10 is a part of Malachi’s prophecy chapters 3 and 4. So, even though the clue of the Tithe is found only in Malachi 3 : 10, the intent and purpose of Tithing must be traced back backwards starting from Malachi 3 : 1. After that to be followed up to Malachi chapter 4. Thus will we find a complete prophecy, which foreshadows the coming of an antitypical Elijah the prophet with his message that will prepare us for welcoming Jesus who will come to His temple here on earth in the.

The blessings promised in Malachi 3 : 10 is only a spiritual blessing. While the material blessing is promised in verse 11. Thus, after Elijah’s message came in 1929, all those who pay the Tithe to support the message had managed to enjoy the abundant spiritual blessings according to the words of Malachi 3 : 10. They have proved that because there is not enough space to accommodate it themselves, the spiritual blessings should have been freely distributed to almost all SDA worldwide including Indonesia.

Whereas the various material blessings of the exemplary members promoted from the pulpit of the churches, have been generally accommodated by themselves, and rarely can be enjoyed by other members.

Indeed, when the promise of blessing from the writings of Malachi 3 : 10 is interpreted as a material blessing, the Protestant and Pentecostal Churches denominations would have more material wealth membership, with far more abundantly than the wealth of the exemplary members of SDA boasted by our preachers. You know why ? Because they also now pay Tithe to comply with the instructions of Malachi 3 : 10 while craving for the same material blessings.       

It is obviously understood that by interpreting the blessing of Malachi 3 : 10 to the kind of material blessing, our preachers purposely show the Lord God before us as  a God of favoritism, who is not consistent with His own word in the writings of Malachi 3 : 10.






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