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Why should the Bible
be taught law scientifically ?

The definition of the Law is popularly known in the world of education as here below :

“The L A W  is the “n o r m s”  and the “r u l e s”, either written or unwritten, which obliges people to do something, or prohibit people from doing anything, which are necessary for keeping peace and order in the societies.”

This is one of several definitions of the Law known in the world of education. So wherever you go in the entire world today, people would have understood the same thing of the law.

From Adam and Eve in their Eden Home up to the time of Moses about 2.500 years long, and even up to this very moment, people understand how to count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven etc. And that is the reason why they know for sure, that the Sabbath-Day of the Lord God is unchanged even up to this very moment, for it is the seventh-day of the week that should be kept holy according to the immutable Law of God.

Therefore, we have to know that ever since the beginning the Lord God Himself had put the Law of His own character and His will into Adam and Eve, to make them familiar with the Law, not only of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, but even of all the ten commandments of the Law so that they may have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Jesus said : “If ye love me, keep my commandments !”John 14 : 15.

To keep the commandments as those mentioned by Jesus in John 14 : 15 above does not mean to keep only the ten commandment, or to keep only the Bible of the Old Testament Scriptures, but just to keep the ten commandments and all their rules of implementation (of those ten commandments) that have been developing ever since the beginning in the time of Adam and Eve up to the time of Jesus on earth, and even up to this time of the end. So today the Ten Commandments will be known as the Basic Law of the Kingdom of Heaven, whereas all the rules of implementation of the Ten Commandments, which have been developed up to this time, are to be found in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10 as the By-laws. So what is meant by the Bible, either in the New Testament or in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, must unavoidably mean the Bible and all its interpretation in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.  No one is allowed to separate the Bible from all its interpretations in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, because that is a flagrant offence of the Law of God.

The Basic Law and the By-laws

The Ten Commandments as the Basic Law of God is immutable, as well as the Lord God Himself as the author of the Law is immutable and everlasting. Whereas the By-laws which contain all the rules of implementations of the Ten Commandments are changeable. They have been changeable ever since the beginning of creation even up to this time of the end. And the Author of all the By-laws is the Lord Jesus. So as well as the Father and the Son could not separate, so is the Basic Law and the By-laws could not separate from each other. To this end apostle John said :

“In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
And the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.” – John 1 : 1 – 3, 14.

As well as the Father and the Son could not separate, so is the Law and its Rules of implementation in SPIRIT OF PROPHECY could not separate, because without obeying any rule of implementation in SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, no one could ever have obeyed any of the Ten Commandments of the Law. And without obeying the Law of any of the Ten Commandments we would be found sinning for transgressing the Law of God.  Prophet Isaiah had ever said:

“To the Law and to the Testimony (of Jesus or the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY), if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” – Isaiah 8 : 20. (In brackets is added)

The word of prophet Isaiah 8 : 20, who lived in the time of the Old Testament era is actually the prophetic word that would specifically apply in this time of the end. The word would also be as well as an instrument of testing everything presented to us in the teaching of the Word of God.

Let us beware, therefore, that all the teaching from the Bible must be in accord with those found in THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. Or at least they must be sustained in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY as the rules of implementation of the Ten Commandments of the Basic Law of God.

Due to the fact that even up to this very time of the end, the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY as the Rules of Implementation of the Basic Law is still beyond the knowledge of most Christians of today. How could we to have found any way out for them ? The Bible as the Law of God is actually not too difficult for every one of us to understand. Because it is just the will of God Himself that we should not perish in sin. But how could we understand the Bible as the Law of the kingdom of Heaven, without having any understanding of the law science we have been familiar with in each of our own country in the world today ? The servant of the Lord ever said :

“In true science there can be nothing contrary to the teaching of the word of God, for both have the same Author. A correct understanding of both will always prove them to be in harmony. Truth whether in nature or in revelation, is harmonious with itself in all its manifestation. But the mind not enlightened by God’s Spirit will ever be in darkness in regard to His power. This is why human ideas in regard to science so often contradict the teaching of God’s word.” — 8 Testimonies for the Church, p. 258.

The law science that rules in the world today can be nothing contrary to the right teaching of the word of God. Because both have their origin with God Himself. To this end the servant of God again informed us as follows :

“Because the work is so broad, its expansion so fast, and its importance so great, God has inspired modern science to invent, and build speedy equipment to quickly finish His work.” – 2 Shepherd’s Rod, p. 229.

True Religion means
living the word in the practical life

The servant of the Lord ever said :
“True religion means living the word in your practical life. Your profession is not of any value without the practical doing of the word.” Testimonies to Ministers, p. 127.

To live the “word” means to practice the law of the Ten Commandments according to their rules of implementation in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. Let us be careful, because Satan is working hard to mislead people away from the truth, such as the Call from a certain people that we should go back to the faith of the early pioneers, or to the faith of the forefathers of early reformers and so on.

Although those early pioneers or the early Christian reformers of the past had accomplished their task successfully in the sight of God, the truths developed of that time were not as yet complete as now available in our midst. Even the so-called SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10 was actually not as yet available in that time. So let us understand that with the development of science and technology in this time of the end, the development of the rules of implementation of the law of God in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY would also be going commensurate and parallel with the science and technology.  

Therefore, for those, who always oppose the end time prophets and their messages of those prophesied in Amos 3 : 6, 7 as here below :

“Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not afraid ? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it ? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servant the prophets.” – Amos 3 : 6, 7.

Let them understand, that there are so many secret things in the Bible that should be interpreted first in this time of the end, before we could have said to have our faith based upon the Bible and the Bible only.  And since the Lord God would only save into His Kingdom the repented sinners from this world, then we should have first to know all those servants of God one by one and their messages respectively. It is more honorable for us to find the Truth through the simple and ordinary  servants of God than to go to the modern preachers of today who lack most of the knowledge of the Law from the perception of the law science, and even from the Bible doctrinal points of view itself. 

To be led by the Holy Spirit  ?

As well as Jesus the Word and God the Law could not separate from each other, so is the Spirit or the Holy Spirit could not separate from both of them wherever they are. This is the reason why we know of the so-called T R I N I T Y in H E A V E N.  To this end the servant of the Lord said : 

“There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of  these three great powers — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized………..” – Evangelism, p. 615.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three great powers in Heaven very well-known among the citizens of the kingdom of God on earth. Though each of Them, having his own personality, They are in fact always having the same mind, seeing eye to eye, and speaking the same things. The unity of the above identities showing us how strong is the unity that they have named themselves the “Heavenly Trio”, that is forever inseparable one from the other. Especially in their combined efforts to salvage the fallen race of this world of sin.

In the effort to salvage man and woman in this time of the end, beginning from making preparations on the part of them who want to be baptized, up to the baptism itself, let them fully understand that they must first be in the name of the three great powers of Heaven. Or in other words, they must be sure that their preparations for the baptism must be in accordance with all the requirements given by the three Heavenly powers. Or else their baptism could be deemed illegitimate, or not yet valid according to the law of the kingdom. To this end Mrs. White has warned :

“The Law of God is as sacred as God Himself. It is a revelation of His will, a transcript of His character, the expression of divine love and wisdom.” — Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 52.

Let it be understood, therefore, that since there is only ONE L A W OF G O D known in the whole universe of the Kingdom of God, and only ONE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY that specifically applied only here on this planet of sin, then everyone of us who happened to be led by the Holy Spirit, he would surely be led into the same LAW and the same of Its Rules of Implementation in SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. The Spirit will guide us into the s a m e  t r u t h of the Law, and how much the truth would be given into us, that is according to the capacity of each of us to receive it. 

Here on earth today, Jesus is represented by the W O R D, and that is the Bible and the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. Whereas God is represented by His Law of the Ten Commandments, and the Holy Spirit is not represented by anything. The Holy Spirit is always under the command of both Jesus and the Father to carry out his mission, either to save or to destroy.  In the past the Holy Spirit had ever been commissioned to do his job as follows :

“The Holy Spirit is Christ’s representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally. Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His successor on earth. . …………….. By the Spirit the Savior would be accessible to all. In this sense He would be nearer to them than if He had not ascended on high.” — Desire of Ages, p. 669.

C o n c l u s i o n

According to the Law science the Basic Law should have been complemented with the By-laws. The Basic Law of a country is to be codified by the people as the owner of that country. In this case the people will be represented by an assembly of people representatives of the whole nation. Whereas the By-laws as the Rules of implementation of the Basic Law will be provided by the Parliament or the people representative council of the nation.

In the Kingdom of Heaven the Basic Law is the Ten Commandment of God. The Ten Commandments ever since the beginning have been provided for us by God Himself, because He is the owner of the entire universe. Whereas Jesus provided for us the WORD (in the Bible and in the SPIRIRT OF PROPHECY) with all the Rules of Implementation of the Law of the Ten Commandments. 

Since the Lord GOD is an everlasting God who never die for ever and ever, then the Basic Law of God would be immutable for ever and ever. That means,  the Basic Law of God will never change nor to be amended for ever and ever. But to the contrary, the By-laws of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY which contain all the rules of implementation of the Ten Commandments of the Basic Law is changeable.  So the rules of implementation of the Law of God in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY  are changeable periodically.

The Rules of
Implementation of the law that bind periodically

True religion means living the word in your practical life. To live the word in the practical life means to implement all the rules of the law that bind for that period. Since the rules of the law change periodically, we have to know which rule that is still binding, and which ones which are no more binding.

In the time of Moses all the Israelites were bound to obey the Law of the Ten Commandments and also all the rules related to the ceremonial Law of Moses. Those who failed to obey the rules should bear great consequences.

In the same time all the Israelites were allowed by the rules of Law to eat only from clean animal food that had been classified in Leviticus chapter 11 as clean, whereas those classified to be abominable should no more be part of their food. Whereas now in the time of the end through the so-called rules of Health Reform of 1863, all kinds of animal food and fish had been classified as abominable as well as swine’s flesh and the mouse etc.

In the time of the apostles the book of Revelation was not as yet available in their midst. And all the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets were not as yet revealed and interpreted for the people. Even the parables of Jesus were not as yet understood during the life time of the apostles.

But now in this time of the end, when the end time prophets came one after another to proclaim their messages of the first, the second, the third and even the fourth angel message of Revelation 18 : 1, one following the another; shall we again oppose the messages from God, which for so long time has been covered in the mystery from us, whereas the end of all things is already now at the door ?

Shall we again say that only the Bible and the Bible only will be the rules of implementation of the Law, whereas so many secret things of the Bible are still tightly covered up in mystery from the people ? Were they not also to be deemed the rules of implementation of the Basic Law of God that should be obeyed in these critical hours of the end ?

Sin is the transgression of the law. And the wage of sin is death. By deliberately failing to obey all the rules of implementation of the law, men would have fallen deeper and deeper into the sin against the Holy Spirit, which is the unpardonable sin from which there is no more chance to repent either here nor in the world to come.



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