1 John 3 : 4,
“Sin is the transgression of the Law.”
One of the sins that ever in the beginning committed by men that should be avoided
Ellen G. White :
“The Savior’s promise is given on condition. ‘If ye love Me’, He says, ‘keep My commandments.’ He saves men, not in sin, but from sin; and those who love Him will show their love by obedience.” — Review and Herarld vol. 6, p. 45.
Sin as transgression of the law is actually no more a strange thing for every one of us who claims to be a Christian. As soon as the law of God was made known here on earth, not too long after that the same law had been transgressed. Adam and Eve as our first ancestors had been created by the Lord Jesus in 4004 BC. From the rules of implementation of the same Law, in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, we could have known, that Adam and Eve in their sanctified and honorable condition, they had ever been able to enjoy the greatness and beauty of their holiness in their Eden home for only 35 years long.
The Law which seemed so simple in their estimation, when it was only once transgressed, the consequences were felt endlessly, not only up to the time they both died in the past, but even up to several thousand years later, just in this time of the end. To this end the servant of the Lord Mrs. Ellen G. White said :
“After their sin Adam and Eve were no longer to dwell in Eden. They earnestly entreated that they might remain in the home of their innocence and joy. They confessed that they had forfeited all right to that happy abode, but pledged themselves for the future to yield strict obedience to God. But they were told that their nature had become depraved by sin; they had lessened their strength to resist evil and had opened the way for Satan to gain more ready access to them. In their innocence they had yielded to temptation; and now, in a state of conscious guilt, they would have less power to maintain their integrity.
“In humility and unutterable sadness they bade farewell to their beautiful home and went forth to dwell upon the earth, where rested the curse of sin. The atmosphere, once so mild and uniform in temperature, was now subject to marked changes, and the Lord mercifully provided them with a garment of skins as a protection from the extremes of heat and cold.
“As they witnessed in drooping flower and falling leaf the first signs of decay, Adam and his companion mourned more deeply than men now mourn over their dead. The death of the frail, delicate flowers was indeed a cause of sorrow; but when the goodly trees cast off their leaves, the scene brought vividly to mind the stern fact that death is the portion of every living thing.
“The Garden of Eden remained upon the earth long after man had become an outcast from its pleasant paths. The fallen race were long permitted to gaze upon the home of innocence, their entrance barred only by the watching angels. At the cherubim-guarded gate of Paradise the divine glory was revealed. Hither came Adam and his sons to worship God. Here they renewed their vows of obedience to that law the transgression of which had banished them from Eden.
“When the tide of iniquity overspread the world, and the wickedness of men determined their destruction by a flood of waters, the hand that had planted Eden withdrew it from the earth. But in the final restitution, when there shall be “a new heaven and a new earth“ (Revelation 21 : 1), it is to be restored more gloriously adorned than at the beginning.
“Then they that have kept God’s commandments shall breathe in immortal vigor beneath the tree of life ; and through unending ages the inhabitants of sinless worlds shall behold, in that garden of delight, a sample of the perfect work of God‘s creation, untouched by the curse of sin — a sample of what the whole earth would have become, had man but fulfilled the Creator’s glorious plan. — Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 61 – 62.
Know ye first the L a w of G O D
“In true science there can be nothing contrary to the teaching of the word of God, for both have the same Author. A correct understanding of both will always prove them to be in harmony. Truth whether in nature or in revelation, is harmonious with itself in all its manifestation.” — 8 Testimonies for the Church, p. 258.
As well as with all countries of this world, the Kingdom of heaven is a law state of a kingdom. It means that all the activities going on in all the regions of the universe under its sovereignty, specifically in this world of ours, they all must be carried out according to the rules of the law available. Therefore, it should be understood, that whatever small is the activity of the people on earth, it would never be absent from the care and observance of the eyes of God Himself as Creator and Owner of the Universe. And then in regard to the Law of God the servant of the Lord Mrs. White said:
“The law of God is as sacred as God Himself. It is a revelation of His will, a transcript of His character, the expression of divine love and wisdom. The harmony of creation depends upon the perfect conformity of all beings, of everything, animate and inanimate, to the law of the Creator. God has ordained laws for the government, not only of living beings, but of all the operations of nature. Everything is under fixed laws, which cannot be disregarded. But while everything in nature is governed by natural laws, man alone, of all that inhabits the earth, is amenable to moral law. To man, the crowning work of creation, God has given power to understand His requirements, to comprehend the justice and beneficence of His law, and its sacred claims upon him; and of man unswerving obedience is required.” – Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 52.
Let us read carefully the above statement, and it could be readily understood that the law of God is a revelation of His will, a transcript of His character, and the expression of divine l o v e and w i s d o m. The WILL, the CHARACTER and the LOVE of GOD are the source of the Basic Law of the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, as well as the Basic Law of the Republic of Indonesia (Undang-Undang Dasar R. I. 1945) has its source in the “PANCASILA” (The Five Ideological Principles of Indonesian people), so is the Kingdom of Heaven has the Will, the Character, and the Love of God as the source of its Basic Law of the Ten Commandments. Therefore, the Ten Commandments of the Basic Law as the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven would have been known also as the Law of Love.
And since the Basic Law or the Constitution basically could not stand alone, it then must be supplemented by the By-laws, which contain all the Rules of Implementation of the Basic Law of the Ten Commandments. Thus it is, as well as the Indonesian Basic Law of the “Undang-Undang Dasar 1945” could not stand alone, so that they should have been supplemented by the By-laws every year provided us by a legislative body or Parliament of the Republic of Indonesia. Thus it is with the Basic Law of the Kingdom of God, that is yet to be supplemented periodically up to this time of the end by the Rules of Implementation of the Law : first by the so-called “The Testimony”, and then through “The Testimony of Jesus Christ”, when Jesus’ name was already known on earth, and up to this time of the end by the so-called, the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10, when the book of Revelation should have been interpreted in among us. Thus let it be clearly understood now that the Author of the Basic Law is none other than GOD the Father Himself, and the Author of all the Rules of Implementation of the Basic Law is none other than GOD the Son Himself, whose name Jesus Christ was first known on earth after His mission accomplished in the Palestine in the year 31. And now of how the Basic Law should be observed and obeyed by all the people of the Kingdom here on earth, Moses the prophet as the known law scientist ever since the beginning in the past, had ever told us in the following words :
“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God : but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the word of this l a w.” – Deuteronomy 29 : 29.
That is, that all those things which have been revealed ever since in the time of Moses up to this time of the end, in the Bible and in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, and even through the writings of the divinely appointed teachers in this time of the end after the death of the servant of God, Bro. Houteff in 1955 ; they are all for the sake that the Basic Law of the Ten Commandments should be implemented. And then again through the prophetic words of Isaiah we read :
“To the l a w and to the testimony : if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” – Isaiah 8 : 20.
And through Prophet David and his statement we read :
“Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the l a w of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and seek him with the whole heart.” – Psalm 119 : 1, 2.
And for the people of God in this time of the end John the Revelator has warned of an impending trouble to come in the near future :
“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” – Revelation 12 : 17.
“……….worship God : for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” – Revelation 19 : 10 Part B.
Thus as well as the l a w we know here on earth is not limited to only the Basic Law or the Constitution, but also including all of its Rules of Implementation in the By-laws and in all other rules of lower stages. And so is in the Kingdom of God, that the Law would have included the Ten Commandments as the Basic Law and all its Rules of Implementation in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, and even in the writings of the teachers of the Rod, after the death of Bro. Houteff as the last prophet of this time of the end. Because after the death of the servant of the Lord in 1955 the divinely appointed teachers of the Rod should have toughed in the light of the Rod those passages in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY that in one way or another should be interpreted further for us.
Attention ! THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10 is not the same as the Spirit of Prophecy of the third angel’s message of Revelation 14, for it is the combination of the third angel’s message of Revelation 14 with the message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1, which is to enlighten the earth. Read Early Writings, p. 277.
The Law of God
is the expression of divine love and wisdom
From the fact that the divinely character and will is the source from which the law of the Kingdom was made, then one of the divinely character could be followed from the following statement by apostle Paul here below :
”Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge ; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth : but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tounges, they shall cease, whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child : but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face : now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.” – 1 Corinthians 13 : 1 – 13.
We have to know that ever since the first time Adam and Eve fell in sin, their immunity against sin were on and on decreasing. So man could no more be able by his own might to fully obey God and His law. And this is the reason why the Lord God Himself should have sent His Holy Spirit to the aid of all those of us of His own choice. That means, not all professed Christians who call on His name would be granted aid by His Spirit. And this is the reason that only under the aid of the Holy Spirit we would be led to the observance of a l l the Ten Commandments of the Law by keeping all the rules of implementation in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. And the result thereby would be seen in us several fruits of which the Apostle Paul said :
“But the fruit of the Spirit is l o v e, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, f a i t h, meekness, temperance : against such there is no law.“ – Galatian 5 : 22.
“Against such there is no law,” which means that the fruit of the Spirit mentioned above in the lives of our people would show us the fact that we are the law abiding people of God. We live according to the Law of God available in our midst. And the law in us is to show the character of God, which is the source of the Ten Commandments that should become the foundation of the heavenly Kingdom in the entire universe. Thus, when the Ten Commandments are obeyed in our practical religion according to the rules of implementation in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, then the fruit of the Spirit mentioned above would be seen in us, and the charity mentioned by the apostle Paul would follow suit.
However, we must be aware that “charity” alone is not enough to prove us to be God’s people, because there are many unchristian zed people today having more “charity” than us, even most of those Christians in the world today having practiced the so-called “charity” more and more than ever before, whereas they are yet in the dark of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY as rules of implementation of the law. Even the fourth commandment of the law that obliges people to keep the seventh-day of the week as the Sabbath of the Lord , to commemorate Him as Creator of the earth, is no more obeyed in their practical religion. They even preferred to keep the Sunday which is created by the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church during the 1260 years dark ages of religion between 538 and 1798.
You could see for yourselves how those professed Christians today having the heart to leave Jesus alone with His only few followers to commemorate the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, whereas they in so great number in the whole world to keep the Sunday to commemorate what they themselves do not know.
The first and the main sin
that ever committed by Adam and Eve in the past
We have to know that ever since the beginning of creation Adam and Eve had the law of the Ten Commandments been engrafted in them by the Lord God Himself as their Creator. They, therefore, should have known the law ever since the beginning, to consist of the first four commandments to love God supremely with all their heart and might and power, and the second six commandments to love their fellowmen as well as how they should love their own selves.
Then later as a rule of implementation of the Law, the Lord God had instructed them to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is in the midst of the garden, of its fruits. That in the day they eat of the forbidden fruit they shall die. But then came Satan, the great Enemy of God and men, to deceive them by saying that just by eating of the forbidden fruit they would have been as God to have the knowledge of good and evil etc. Adam and Eve had later been persuaded to eat of the forbidden fruits, whereas Satan himself did not eat, so that he did not die at the time the transgression occurred. Every Christian would have been familiar with this story of Adam and Eve in the beginning up to their fall. But in regard to which commandment of the law or the Constitution they had transgressed, and how far and serious is the transgression for their generations to come up to this time of the end, this is yet in need to be investigated further. Let us now see how the Constitution or the law was transgressed in the beginning.
1st. Commandment :
From the fact that Adam and Eve trusted more fully to SATAN and his words than to the word of the Lord GOD of their own Creator, and then ate of the forbidden fruit, they then had fallen into the very deadly sin. They had idolized Satan more than their own GOD.
7th. Commandment :
“THOU SHALT NOT KILL.” – Exodus 20 : 13.
Adam and Eve actually fully understood that in the day the forbidden fruit is eaten, they would have died. They should have understood that the forbidden fruit should have contained a very deadly poison. And this is the reason that both of them had been intentionally implicated in the sin for committing suicide.
This sin which is the main and the first of its kind committed by Adam and Eve, appeared to be mostly committed now by those professed Christians of this time of the end. And this is the kind of sin which is now committed by most of the Laodiceans of God of this time of the end, specifically by those who are now affiliated with several Headquarters of Davidian SDA in the United States of America. And to this end, ever since long ago through His appointed prophet Jeremiah the Lord said :
How are the Laodicean people
of GOD now implicated in the same sin
Instead of having their all religious activities as God’s people fully founded upon the Constitution of the law of the Ten Commandments and the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY with all the rules of implementation of the law, they just put their trust fully upon the Organization and its ministers of the gospel to think for their salvation. So instead of obeying God and His Law and the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, they choose to be more obedient to the Organization and its ministers. They no more care to know that through THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY we have been warned that the Lord God no more blessed any Organization and its ministers in this period of the Laodicean Church to represent Him after the death of His last appointed prophet Victor T. Houteff.
The angel of the Laodicean Church had been spewed out of Jesus’ mouth in 1935, and the reorganized body of the General Conference of SDA in Waco, Texas, had been dissolved and sold to the Presbyterian Church in 1962. And though the Waco, Texas Headquarters of Davidian SDA today had been reestablished ever since 1991 on its original location, no single statement in the SPIRIT OF PROPHE CY could ever be found to justify their presence there, and no constitution and the bylaws of Davidian SDA could ever be found to justify their re-establishment there.
Note : The Constitution and the By-laws of Davidian SDA provided by Bro. Houteff during his lifetime is specifically for application at the establishment of the coming kingdom in the Palestine. Read carefully the preface ! So the coming kingdom in the Palestine would have a President and a vice President established at the same time.
So no more Organization of God could ever be trusted now in this time of the end by His people, except by those “ …. CURSED THAT TRUSTETH IN MAN, AND MAKETH FLESH HIS ARM, AND WHOSE HEART DEPARTETH FROM THE LORD.”– Jeremiah 17 : 5.
To this end Bro. Houteff as the last divinely appointed prophet of this time of the end had ever shown us, to whom shall we hear and trust after his death in 1955.
Let us read carefully the following passage here below :
“That only which should be taught”
“The Bible and the books of the Spirit of Prophecy being the sole source of the Shepherd’s Rod message, therefore when the Rod is taught, the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are taught. And since none but the Spirit of Truth, who transmitted the mysteries of Inspiration, can interpret them, then those who attempt to teach them without this inspired interpretational Authority, inevitably fall into the forbidden practice of private interpretation (2 Peter 1 : 20) —- the great evil which has brought Christendom into its present almost boundless state of schism and consequent confusion, strife, and impotency.
As we dare not follow in such a path, w e must therefore, as teachers of the Shepherd’s Rod (the official publications of the Davidian SDA), teach only in the light of the Rod those passages which in one way or another need to be interpreted. Thus only will all Present Truth believers ever become of the same mind, seeing eye to eye and speaking the same things. (1 Cor. 1 : 10; 1 Peter 3 : 8; Isa. 52 : 8)” – Fundamental Beliefs of DAVIDIAN SDA, p. 27.
From the fact that there are yet many more passages of the message (in the golden bowl of Zechariah chapter 4, that represents THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY), that is yet to be taught in the light of the Rod by the teachers of the Rod, which in one way or another need to be interpreted further ; and from the fact that thus only will all Present Truth believers ever become of the same mind, seeing eye to eye and speaking the same things, after that, we should have understood that all these things would have been accomplished only after the death of Bro. Houteff in 1955, and only through the divinely appointed t e a c h e r s of the Rod, who are now no more affiliated with any Organization of Davidian SDA Headquarters in USA.
And just after the death of Bro. Houteff in 1955 the following prophetic words of Prophet Zechariah would have been fulfilled as follows :
“”And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands ? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts : smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered : and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.” – Zechariah 13 : 6, 7.
This prophecy of Zechariah has ever been fulfilled on the life of Jesus in Palestine. However, it should be fulfilled again in this time of the end, to meet its antitypical event in the life of Bro. Houteff and his followers. And now with all other prophecies of the Old Testament, they are more effectively to meet their fulfillment in this time of the end.
Therefore, after the death of Bro. Houteff as the shepherd, then all his followers as the sheep will be scattered. And after the Headquarters of General Association of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas be dissolved and sold to the Presbyterian Church in 1962, then all the Associations of Davidian SDA as the little ones in the world during the lifetime of Houteff, will be always under the guiding hand of the Lord God Himself.
And according to the prophetic words of Zechariah itself, the Lord will no more care of those of the greater or the bigger ones. That is, that those newly established General Associations of Davidian SDA in USA, such as : The General Association of DSDA in Elk, Texas, and the General Association of DSDA in Salem, South Caroline, and the General Association of DSDA in Mountain Dale, New York, and even the re-establishment of the Waco, Texas Headquarters in 1991 ; all these are no more under the guiding hand of the Lord God.
Through the prophetic words of Zechariah 13 : 7 above, the Lord Himself assured us that he would turn His hand upon only those of the little ones. And so He would have taken care of those of the little ones, to let them always be under the care of the divinely appointed teachers of the Rod. And we have been assured that under the guiding hand of the Lord, and His divinely appointed teachers of the Shepherd’s Rod, we will be made to see eye to eye, to have the same mind, and to have the capacity to speak the same things wherever we are . And this is the identity of the coming elected saints of the 144.000 in the future.
Attention ! The divinely appointed teachers of this time of the end could no more be identified by their ordination before their congregation by the laying on of hands. Read : The Acts of the Apostles, p. 110. They will be identified only by their capacity to have those passages in the golden bowl of Zechariah chapter 4 which in one way or another in the light of the Rod need to be taught and interpreted for us. And besides that, they would also be condemned as time setter and of those implicated in the act of adding to and subtracting from the message as those stipulated in Revelation 22 : 18, 19.
At first was Satan alone has successfully knocked out Adam and Eve ; but now in this time of the end, the professed friends of the gospel, who are just to knock out our people.
The Laodicean Church ever since the beginning in 1844 came out as the five wise virgins from the Philadelphian Church of William Miller as her founder. Thus was the Laodicean Church of SDA ever since the beginning founded by Mrs. Ellen G. White, the divinely appointed prophet. Read : The Great Controversy p. 426. The angel of the Laodicean Church as the Organization of the General Conference of SDA was established later in 1863 by the Church of Mrs. White and her followers. Up to the year 1888 the Laodicean Church of SDA still consisted of the five wise virgins only.
However, after the failed General Conference held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA in 1888, then was the Laodicean Church the first time infiltrated by the other five foolish virgins, to become ten virgins in all. The failure of the Conference in 1888 happened due to the opposition of most of those attending the Conference against the “message of Justification by faith” presented by Elders Jones and Waggoner. And that is the background of why Mrs. White later in 1902 had to write through the official organ Review and Herald of February 25, 1902 : “THE CALL FOR A SPIRITUAL REVIVAL AND REFORMATION.” This is to show us the fact that ever since 1888 the Organization of General Conference of SDA as the angel of the Laodicean Church began to fall spiritually in the so-called “lukewarm” condition. And up to the death of Mrs. White in 1915, even up to this very moment, the Call for a spiritual revival and reformation of February 25, 1902 was not as yet accomplished in the Laodicean Church of SDA in the whole world.
In 1929 Bro. Houteff came to the General Conference of SDA offered to them the message of the Shepherd’s Rod as a means of revival to be carried out in among our people. The message was opposed and Bro. Houteff himself was later dismissed of his church membership.
So in 1935, according to the call for a spiritual reformation, which obliges a re-organization to be carried out in the Laodicean Church of SDA, Bro. Houteff then successfully established the re-organized body of the General Conference of SDA by the name : “The General Association of Davidian SDA” in Waco, Texas, USA. Thus ever since the year 1935, the Call for a spiritual revival and reformation in 1902 by Mrs. White began to be carried out by Houteff and his followers, even up to this very moment. And the result of the Revival and reformation carried out ever since in our midst is, that the Laodicean Church of SDA ever since 1935, should have been divided into two classes of virgins : the five wise virgins, with Houteff and his followers on the one side, and the five foolish ones with the General Conference of SDA leadership and its followers on the other side. And since the Lord God could not possibly approve two Organizations who are against each other to represent Him here on earth, we must be sure that the Organization of the General Conference of SDA, which is the angel of the Laodicean Church should have been spewed out of Jesus’ mouth according to the prophecy. Read : Revelation 3 : 16. And this should have met its fulfillment in 1935. And for us to be assured of the spewing out, Mrs. Ellen G. White then said :
“To those who are indifferent at this time Christ’s warning is : “Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth.” Revelation 3 : 16. The figure of spewing out of His mouth means that He cannot offer up your prayers or your expression of love to God. He cannot endorse your teaching of His word or your spiritual work in anywise. He cannot present your religious exercises with the request that grace be given you.” – Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 408.
Thus is the fulfillment of the prophecy mentioned in Jeremiah 17 : 5 in our Laodicean Church ever since 1888. The ministers who are too much dependent upon the Organization and their seniors at the General Conference of SDA, and also at the General Association of Davidian SDA Headquarters, should have been accursed and spewed out of Jesus’ mouth. And the people who are too much dependent upon their ministers should have been accursed for making flesh their arm. The consequence is to be seen in the field when the servant of the Lord Mrs. Ellen G. White said :
“The conviction is gaining ground in the world that Seventh-day Adventists are giving the trumpet an uncertain sound that they are following in the path of world lings.” – Testimonies to Ministers, p. 86.
How is the f a t e of those Davidians of God
represented by the wise virgins without guile in their mouths?
Organization of the General Association of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, should have been again divided after the death of the servant of God Bro. Houteff in 1955 as follows : the wise virgins of those candidates of the 144.000 elected saints of God on the one side, and the wise virgins with guile in their mouths on the other side. Read Revelation 14 : 4, 5. Or in other words : those represented by the wheat categorized ones on the one side, and those of the “c h a f f“ categorized ones on the other side. Then who are they represented by the wise virgins with guile in their mouths, or the chaff categorized ones ? The following statement from Bro. Houteff before he died in 1955 should have given us the positive answer to this problem. Let us read here below :
“Everything that can be done against God’s message of today will be done with even a greater vengeance than was manifest against Heaven’s message in the days of Christ’s first advent, for the Devil knows that if he loses now, he loses forever — that he is to have no other chance. Unparalleled, therefore, is the urgency that every eleventh-hour church member now quickly and solidly brace himself against the Enemy’s effort to deliver a knockout blow. We must be alert, too, to realize that the blow is to come from surprisingly unsuspected foes — from professed friends of the gospel, who are no less pious than were the priests in Christ’s day. It is, moreover, but to be expected that the Adversary will employ every agency possible to prevent the Lord from disclosing to view His now obscure 144.000 first fruit servants, who are to go gather in the second fruits (Revelation 7 : 9). The Enemy will try everything conceivable to confuse, becloud, and cover up the Truth, especially on the subject of the 144.000.” — The White House Recruiter, p. 33.
Due to the fact that the unsuspected foes mentioned above are none other than the professed friends of the gospel, who are no less pious than were the priests in Christ’s day in the Palestine. And since the professed friends of the gospel according to their identities, have just reappeared the second time after the re-establishment of the General Association of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, in 1991, it is unavoidably clear that they are the people mentioned by Houteff before he died in 1955. Since they are no less pious than were the priests and the Pharisees in the time of Jesus, they should have been deemed to be the antitypical Sanhedrin of today.
Let every eleventh-hour Church member, even to every Laodicean of the Davidian SDA now quickly and solidly brace himself against the Enemy’s effort to deliver a knockout blow, because all those who are now trusting in the antitypical Sanhedrin of today in Waco, Texas, and making the professed friend of the gospel there to be their arm, would have been accursed as those mentioned by Jeremiah in his prophetic words : Jeremiah 17 : 5.
C o n c l u s i o n
“Blessed is he (singular) that readeth, and they (plural) that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein : for the time is at hand.” — Revelation 1 : 3.
Every one of us has to read for himself the Bible and the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, because the authors were already dead. Thereafter, we all have to hear the teachings of the divinely appointed teachers of the Rod, who are to teach us in the light of the Rod those passages in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, which in one way or another need to be interpreted further for us. Because they are still alive. We even have to read ourselves their teachings in writing if they are beyond our reach. Because after the death of the servant of God, Bro. Victor T. Houteff in 1955, the divinely appointed teachers of the Rod would have come up to teach in the light of the Rod those passages in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, which in one way or another need to be interpreted for us. And only thus, will we be made to see eye to eye, to have the same mind, and to speak the same things. That is, only thus will the candidates of the 144.000 elected saints of God come up to the fore.
Due to the fact that the Lord God would no more have a blessed Organization of a General Association of Davidian SDA in this time, to act as an agent of unifier to have His elected saints of the 144.000 unified in the future, then all the Organization appointed ministers of the gospel could no more be entrusted by Him to get all of us to become of the same mind, to see eye to eye, and to speak the same things. Because this duty have been reserved to only those of the divinely appointed teachers of the Rod as those mentioned by His servant Bro. Houteff above before he died in 1955.
Let us, therefore, understand, that the duty of “divinely appointed minister“ as that mentioned by apostle Paul in Ephesian 4 : 11 – 14, would temporary be vacant up to the time when the Kingdom in the Palestine shall be established and all the rules in the Constitution and the By-laws of Davidian SDA codified by Houteff be fully implemented there in the future.
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