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Only those standing idle in
the market of the Laodicean Church, are to be employed in the vineyard of the whole world  in 2027 



We have to understand that the message of the Shepherd’s Rod does not prepare us for directly to welcome Jesus at His second coming in the air, to directly take us to Heaven. Not at all. The message is just making us ready to establish a heavenly kingdom in the Palestine, that consists of its 144.000 first and the main citizens.  

The Laodicean Church or the Church of Seventh day Adventists with all her membership of only about 15 million people today, are actually still far from the whole number of people whom the Lord God wants to have saved from this earth prior to the close of probation for the whole sinners of this world in the future. Let alone when after the angel of the Laodicean Church or the General Conference of SDA being spewed out of Jesus’ mouth in 1935, even up to this very moment, the number of God’s people ever since could no more much developed,  although  membership of the churches continued to be increased drastically from time to time. This is the reason why, when Mrs. White as founder of the Church has ever said in the following words :

“It is a solemn statement that I make to the church, that not one in twenty whose names are registered upon the church books are prepared to close their earthly history, and would be as verily without God and without hope in the world as the common sinner. They are professedly serving God, but they are more earnestly serving mammon. This half-and-half work is a constant denying of Christ, rather than a confessing of Christ. So many have brought into the church their own unsubdued spirit, unrefined ; their spiritual taste is perverted by their own immoral, debasing corruptions, symbolizing the world in spirit, in heart, in purpose, confirming themselves in lustful practices, and are full of deception through and through in their Christian professed life. Living as sinners, claiming to be Christians! Those who claim to be Christians and will confess Christ should come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing, and be separate …………..

I lay down my pen and lift up my soul in prayer that the Lord would breathe upon His backslidden people, who are as dry bones, that they may live. The end is near, stealing upon us so stealthily, so imperceptibly, so noiselessly, like the muffled tread of the thief in the night, to surprise the sleepers off guard and unready. May the Lord grant to bring His Holy Spirit upon hearts that are now at ease that they may no longer sleep as do others, but watch and be sober.” — General Conference Bulletin, 1893, pp. 132, 133 (Christian Service, p. 41).

So it is that the message or the doctrine of the Shepherd’s Rod will also be the message of the Eleventh-Hour Call, which is a Bible doctrine with the function to gather the 144.000 elected saints of God as the first fruits from the harvest in the vineyard of the SDA Church. And the 144.000 elected saints, in turn, would have been sent by the Lord Jesus as Householder of the vineyard unto the entire world at Eleven o‘clock. And they would have accomplished their work of harvesting all the second fruits at six o ‘clock sunset, which is the symbol of the close of probation for all the sinners of this world.    

Since the Laodicean Church is the last in the history of the New Testament, she must unavoidably bear the burden of accomplishing all the work of saving souls in the entire world up to the close of probation. However, due to her own spiritual condition as those mentioned by the servant of the Lord Mrs. White above, then only a small number of 144.000 people would have been selected from among all the Laodiceans of this time of the end for accomplishing the work.  So as well as how the shepherd’s rod of Moses in the first Exodus movement, had ever successfully led the residue of the Israelites to enter Canaan as the Land of Promise, so is also in the second Exodus today the residue of the end time Israelites of this time of the end, the 144.000 in number, under the guidance of THE SHEPHERD’s ROD as a message they would have successfully entered the promised land of Palestine in 2027. 

During this time of the harvest 

We have been told in the book of apostle Matthew 20 : 1 – 16 a parable of how this earth as a vineyard should have been harvested in several times, beginning from the early morning.  Since we are already now in the time of the end, then there are only two harvests left to accomplish: the harvest of the first fruits of the 144.000 elected saints from within the Laodicean Church, and then the harvest of the second fruits from the entire world that are to be very many of an unnumbered company. 

Due to the fact that there is only one message left, which is the message of the Shepherd’s Rod and Bro. Victor T. Houteff as the last messenger, who had ever united all the doctrines of the Bible and all the interpretation thereof into the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Revelation 19 : 10, which is also represented by the golden bowl of the prophecy of Zechariah chapter 4, then THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY would unavoidably represent also THE ELEVENTH-HOUR CALL of the parable of Jesus in Matthew 20 : 1 – 16. And since all the secret things of God revealed by the end time prophets of those prophesied in Amos 3 : 7, have all been completely interpreted in the Laodicean Church, they then must unavoidably be found only in THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.  From the prophecy of prophet Isaiah which is also to be fulfilled now in this time of the end, The Lord God had ever said : 

“For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many. They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.”Isaiah 66 : 16 – 17. 

Since due to the fact that this prophecy of Isaiah should have been revealed and interpreted into the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY for us the Laodiceans of this time of the end, then let it is understood as follows :

F i r e = The Holy Spirit or The Spirit of Truth
Sword = The words of God in the Bible and THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY    All flesh = All people of the Laodicean Church
The gardens = The buildings of SDA churches
The Tree = The leadership / Minister of the gospel
Swine’s flesh and all the abominations = According to the law of Health reform of 1863 all flesh foods have been categorized as abominable

Let it be understood that by the Spirit of Truth and through THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY the Lord is now pleading with us. In other words we are now under the process of being harvested to have the 144.000 first fruits gathered into the kingdom in the near future.  And after this all others who failed to be harvested, will directly be slaughtered. And the slain of the Lord shall be many.  

And  T h e  E l e v e n t h – H o u r  C a l l
Are the same message  

If through the prophecy of Isaiah quoted above, that by “f i r e“ and  by “His s w o r d “ will the Lord plead with a l l  f l e s h  of the Laodicean Church of this time of the end, then through the message of the Eleventh-hour Call those people to be called will be more limitated in number. That is, only those who are standing idle in the market place of the Laodicean Church, that are to be called. The others who are not idlers in the market of the Laodicean Church will no more be much attracted to the Call. Therefore, let it always be remembered that though many be called, but only few chosen. Thus said Jesus as the Owner of the vineyard. Read : Matthew 20 : 16.   

Prophet Victor T. Houteff is the first ever called from the Laodicean Church by the Lord Jesus Himself to work into His vineyard. He was then representing Jesus as Owner of the vineyard to offer the Call to all of us in the Laodicean Church even up to now.  He has first successfully gathered a number of people of his fellow idlers in the churches, and then together they re-organized the Organization of the General Conference of SDA into the General Association of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas as those outlined by Mrs. White in her Call for a Spiritual Revival and Reformation in the Review and Herald of February 25, 1902. 

However, after he died in 1955 and even up to this very moment it seems clear that the Lord Jesus as Owner of the vineyard is no more willing to have His servant Houteff to be succeeded, either by someone else or by the reorganized body of the angel of the Laodicean Church in Waco, Texas. From the prophecy of Zechariah 13 : 7 we have been just warned that after the demise of the servant of God Bro. Houteff the Lord would have turned His hand upon all the little ones of His people, who are now scattered in small groups everywhere in the Davidian.   

Know ye first the market places of the
Laodicean Church and all those standing idle therein 

From the fact that the Laodicean Church covers only the last period of the history of the New Testament up to the close of probation in the future, the idlers then would be called from only two different market places of the Laodicean Church, which are in existent at this time. The first is the market of the Laodicean Church of SDA, which was first established in 1844 by the servant of the Lord Mrs. EG. White and the second is the market of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA, established by Bro. Victor T. Houteff ever since 1929 up to the time he died in 1955.  

From both markets of the Laodicean Church “at this time” will be called out those, who are standing idle therein without any work to do. Thus those idlers are people who are absolutely free from being bound by any working contract with the Organizations of Employers, of which are the Organizations of the aforementioned  Laodicean Church of SDA and of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA.  

From the message of the Eleventh-Hour Call we know that after the death of Bro. Houteff in 1955 the Eleventh-Hour Call would be proclaimed by only the Divinely appointed teachers of the Rod (Read : Fundamental Beliefs of Davidian SDA, p. 27), who are to work under  the guiding hands of the Lord God Himself. Zechariah 13 : 7. And all those things taught by them will become “THE PRECIOUS LIGHT, APPROPRIATE FOR THIS TIME.”  To this end Mrs. White said :  

“God will arouse His people; if other means fail, heresies will come in among them, which will s i f t them, separating the  c h a f f (not tares) from the w h e a t. The Lord calls upon all who believe His word to awake out of sleep. Precious light has come, appropriate for this time. It is Bible truth, showing the perils that are right upon us. This light should lead us to a diligent study of the Scriptures and a most critical examination of the positions which we hold.5 Testimonies for the Church, pp. 707 – 708. (In brackets added)

The separation of wheat and the tares was first occurred when the message of the Rod opposed by the General Conference of SDA in 1929. The separation was more marked after the Organization of the General Conference of SDA was re-organized by the servant of the Lord Bro. Houteff into the General Association of Davidian SDA in Waco. Texas in 1935. Whereas the process of sifting out the chaff from among the wheat is only occurred in the market of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA, after the death of Bro. Houteff in 1955.

Thus let it be understood that Mrs. White ‘s statement above must unavoidably  be fulfilled only in the market of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA after the death of Bro. Houteff in 1955. 

Only 144.000 in number of those
standing idle in the market place of the Laodicean Church
to be employed in the vineyard 

There are only 144.000 in number of those who are now standing idle in both market places of the Laodicean Church, who are to be called and chosen to be employed by the Owner of the vineyard. They are to go unto all the world under the power of the Holy Spirit of the latter Rain, and they shall reap as many as possible in all the vineyard of the whole world to have gathered all the second fruits (Revelation 7 : 9) of the harvest, and then to have all the work accomplished on time as that appointed in the 2031. Then is all our effort to have all the work in the vineyard accomplished for good and forever. The time of probation is then to close for ever, and no more chance for any sinner of this world  to repent of his transgression of the law.  

After the close of probation or the end of time for all repented sinners who are still alive on earth to be forgiven their sins, then follow the D A Y S  O F  D O O M S  for about 15 months long to avenge the wickedness of all unrepented sinners, who have ever before belittled    the message for their own salvation, and have failed to respect the 144.000 elected saints of God, who have come to them with the message. Regarding the days of doom for about 15 months in the future, let it be reserved for next deliberation. 

Nevertheless, since the days of doom will be 15 months long, then the end of the world should have been found to fall in the year 2033.  And in that same year the second advent of the Lord Jesus should have been realized. “BUT OF THAT DAY AND HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN, NO, NOT THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN, BUT BY MY FATHER ONLY.” – MATTHEW 24 : 36. That means, the day and the hour of the second advent of Jesus in the future, could not be known, even by Jesus Himself. And that is the reason why we would have totally failed to find the day and the hour of that coming in the Bible nor in His Testimony, which is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.     

Thus  although the day and the hour of the second advent of Jesus in the future could not be known, the y e a r of that glorious coming could not be concealed from us. This should have been understood, because after the establishment of the coming kingdom in Palestine to fall in 2027, and after the close of probation is known to fall in 2031, and the days of doom to take 15 months, then the second advent of Jesus would unavoidably be known with surety to fall in 2033. This should have been understood, because those events one another follow in succession. 

Who are they actually now standing
idle in the market of the Laodicean Church ?

Victor T. Houteff ever since the beginning was called by the Lord Jesus Himself to represent Him to proclaim the message of the Eleventh-Hour Call to all those standing idle in the Laodicean Church of SDA.  Since he is also instructed to re-organize the General Conference of SDA or the angel of the Laodicean Church, then was there established in Waco, Texas, USA, the General Association of Davidian SDA in 1935. And at the same time the angel of the Laodicean Church should have been spewed out of Jesus’ mouth to meet the fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 3 : 16. This should be understood, because the Lord would not be represented here on earth by two Organizations who are against each other.

And all those who are no more in spiritual lukewarm condition, would have joined Bro. Houteff in the General Association of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, as the re-organized body of the General Conference of SDA. in 1935. And so temporarily is clear that Houteff and his organization would have represented Jesus here on earth to proclaim the message of the Eleventh-Hour Call in all the market of the Laodicean Church of SDA. 

But after he died in 1955, there were heresies coming in among his followers. This means that the Organization should have been dissolved, and all those who survived the death of Bro. Houteff should have returned to be idlers of those who are to stand idly in the market place of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA. Thus is the Laodicean Church divided with many of the people becoming unemployed  to stand idly in two market places : (1) In the Laodicean Church of SDA on the first place, and (2) in the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA on the other place. Thus there are two market places of the Laodicean Church with very many of those who are now standing idly in the Laodicean Church of SDA on the first place, and the others standing idly in the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA on the other place.  

However, since from the fact, that there has been re-established on the original location in Waco, Texas, a New Mount Carmel Center in 1991 by the name The General Association of Davidian SDA to succeed Houteff and his re-organized body of the General Conference of SDA, and from the fact that most of Bro. Houteff’s followers have now affiliated there, we would have to question : Who are actually those who are now standing idle in the market place of the Laodicean Church   today ?  Let us think as follows : 

The Laodicean Church ever since the beginning was founded by the servant of the Lord Mrs. EG. White. Then all the Laodiceans ever since the beginning could be deemed the Laodicean Church of God or the Laodicean of SDA. And due to several developments of the Church, the need of an Organization is no more avoidable. Then in 1863 was the General Conference of SDA established by the Church and Mrs. White. And then ever since, was the Organization of General Conference of SDA and all those bound to it by a working contract, on the first place, should be deemed “the w o r k e r s”, whereas all other people who were not bound by any working contract to it, on the  other  place, should  be  deemed  “the  l a y m e n“.  These are the laymen who are in the parable of Jesus be likened to those standing idle in the market place of the Laodicean Church of SDA.

Whereas those who are now bound to the General Association of Davidian SDA as a reorganized body of the General Conference of SDA by a working contract could no more be deemed “the l a y m e n”. Thus, they would never more be likened to those standing idle in the market place of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA. This is very clear from the fact, that those affiliated with the Organization of Davidian SDA Headquarters would never more pay any attention to the divinely appointed teachers of the Rod, who are teaching in the light of the Rod those passages of the message in the golden bowl, which in one way or another need to be interpreted. They intentionally belittle THE PRECIOUS LIGHT APPROPRIATE FOR THIS TIME, because they are not standing idle in the market place of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA.

Attention :  During the lifetime of Bro. Houteff all his followers were required by a rule to fill in a list of questionnaires before they could be given a Card of Membership. They had to read several books, to pay the first tithe, the second tithe and others, to observe the laws of health reform to abstain from meat eating, strong drink and to observe the rules of dress reform  etc. Then they would have been authorized to have a membership card issued by the General Association of Davidian SDA in USA.

Today the obligation to possess the Membership Card has been highlighted to such extent so that the people would have been rested assured that the chance for them to be sealed in the future would be more guaranteed.

After the death of the servant of the Lord, Bro. Houteff in 1955, instead of dissolving the Headquarters of Davidian SDA and abolishing all its rules to oblige the people to possess THE CARD OF MEMBERSHIP, which is of no more complete required at this time, they just make the people bound together under the membership card as a contract of allegiance to the Organization up to the end of time. Whereas they are unwittingly unaware that they would have lost their chance to be deemed as   those standing idle in the market of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA.

Thus it is that many of those professing to be Rod Believers, have ever belittled THE PRECIOUS LIGHT APPROPRIATE FOR THIS TIME, presented to them by the divinely appointed teachers, only because their dedication to the work were without the laying on of hand. Read The Acts of the Apostles, p. 110. Whereas the main reason behind it is, because they fail to know their own position that they are not as yet to be deemed standing idle in the market place of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA.

C o n c l u s i o n

“God will arouse His people; if other means fail, heresies will come in among them, which will s i f t them, separating the  c h a f f  (not tares) from the w h e a t. The Lord calls upon all who believe His word to awake out of sleep. Precious light has come, appropriate for this time. It is Bible truth, showing the perils that are right upon us. This light should lead us to a diligent study of the Scriptures and a most critical examination of the positions which we hold.5 Testimonies for the Church, pp. 707 – 708. (In brackets added)

DEAR ROD BELIEVERS ! Please observe carefully the above statement by the servant of the Lord Mrs. White. The statement was not as yet fully understood during her lifetime. Nor even during the lifetime of Bro. Houteff, because the statement was not as yet fulfilled during their lifetimes. Therefore, the obligation to observe THE PRECIOUS LIGHT APPROPRIATE FOR THIS TIME was not as yet known to Bro. Houteff and all his associates even up to the end of their time. Therefore, just after the servant of the Lord died in 1955, then came up to the surface the divinely appointed teachers, who have taught in the light of the Rod those passages (in the golden bowl) which in one way or another need to be interpreted for us. Thus is THE PRECIOUS LIGHT APPROPRIATE FOR THIS TIME began to shine to enlighten our pathway step by step to the bright future, even up to the establishment of the Kingdom in Palestine. 

My dear fellow believers, who  are now standing idle in the market places of the Laodicean Church, either those, who are still affiliated in the Laodicean Church of SDA, or those, who are now scattered in all the Laodicea of the Laodicean Church of Davidian SDA, even wherever you are now in the world, let us carefully make use of the PRECIOUS LIGHT, because it is the true light of the Eleventh-Hour Call from the Owner of the vineyard, Who is to employ every one of us in His vineyard in the near future to accomplish the work of harvesting the great multitude of the second fruits just on time appointed. 


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