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The Function of the Organization of The G.A. of DSDA ceased as soon as the servant of the Lord died in 1955


Zechariah 13 :  7.

“Awake, O sword against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts : smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered : and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.”


I n t r o d u c t i o n

For all the prophets and the (ceremonial law of Moses)  prophesied until John (the Baptist).” — Matthew 11 : 13 (in brackets added), and since all those have been just interpreted in this time of the end following the book of Daniel and its complement in the book of Revelation, which have been revealed and interpreted in this time of the end according to angel Gabriel to prophet Daniel (Read : Daniel 12 : 4), then the prophetic word of Zechariah 13 : 7 should have unavoidably met its fulfillment in this time of the end. That is, after the death of Bro. Houteff as the last servant of the Lord of this time of the end, the Lord would have then turned His hand upon ‘the little ones.” 

The problem now is : (1). is it in the same time after the death of Bro. Houteff, that the Lord should have turned His hand directly upon “the little ones”, of those associations of Davidian SDA, who survived the death of the servant of the Lord in 1955 ? (2). Or would the Lord have just turned His hand upon them after the year 1962, after the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, and all its assets having been sold to the Presbyterian Church ? (3). Or else will the Lord have just possibly led all the present truth believers after 30 years later, after most of the assets of the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA having been bought back from the Presbyterian Church in 1991, and in the same year having re-established the Old HQ of Davidian SDA at its original Location in Waco, Texas, USA ?  

Let us carefully take into
consideration the answer to the problems 

For you to take into consideration, let us read together Bro. Houteff’s statement  in his booklet : The Leviticus of Davidian SDA. At the front page we have the following statement here below : 

P r e f a c e

Provisional in set-up as well as in name, the Davidian Seventh day Adventist Association exists solely to accomplish a divinely appointed work within the Seventh day Adventist denomination, wherein it therefore strictly confines its activities. As its work there within draws to a close, and the “servant of our God” ( Rev. 7 : 3 ) are sealed, its name will be changed ( Isa. 56 : 5 ; 62 : 2; 65 : 15 ) and its purpose and its work will become all – embracing to the gospel (Matt. 17 : 11; Acts 3 : 21; Isa 61 : 4 – 7). Then its Constitution and By-Laws as herein codified will become fully operative.” — The Leviticus of Davidian SDA, p. 2.

( A ) :

From the fact that the Constitution and its By-Law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA had ever since the beginning been codified by the servant of the Lord, “Zerubabbel”, who represented the last prophet, Bro. Victor T. Houteff of this time of the end, specifically for the finishing of the house, or in other word, for the establishment of the Davidic Kingdom in the future (Read Zechariah 4 : 9) in the Palestine. Then due to the fact that the condition of the coming kingdom should have been “holy and permanent, then the Constitution and its By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA should have been holy and permanent as well, and no more changeable except for the name only, that must be changed, because after the sealing of the 144.000 elected saints of God in the future, they would be given a new name which is to be pronounced by the Lord Jesus Himself. Read Isaiah 62 : 2.

It should have been understood, therefore, that after Bro. Victor T. Houteff the lowly servant of God as President of the General Association of Davidian SDA died, leaving behind his Vice President to work alone, then according to the rules of law of the Constitution and its By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA, which are already holy, the Organization of the General Association of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, USA should have been dissolved by itself. And no more to be represented by someone as a Vice President, who is also to die sometime later. 

Mark carefully, that the holy and permanent Constitution and its By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA oblige the Vice President to assist the President as long as both of them are alive. The Davidic Kingdom in the Palestine in the future is an everlasting kingdom, and no more death could ever been known therein.  So the existent of Mrs. Houteff as Vice President after the death of the President is no more in accordance with most of the rules of the Constitution and Its By-law.

Attention : Let it be known that at this time Mrs. Houteff is already death. So both the President and the Vice President of the original General Association of Davidian SDA, who were ever since the beginning appointed to the jobs according to the rules of the Constitution and Its By-law, they all are no more alive now. But how strange it is that the General Association of Davidian SDA still exist up to now. Could this be deemed legal for the present Head Quarters of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, USA ?

Thus it is, that though according to the general opinion of men, to have Mrs. Houteff leading alone the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, could be justified after the demise of the President in 1955, the fact is clear to prove that the Lord has withdrawn His helping hand from her, so that all the assets of the once Head Quarters of God should have been sold later to the Presbyterian Church.

So everyone of us might openly condemn Mrs. Houteff for her failures, but why do we fail to see ourselves of our own faults to let the Constitution and the By-law having been manipulated for so long time up to now ? Is it not wrong and sin to have a Vice President leading alone at the Lord’s Head-Quarters of Davidian SDA without a  President ? Even up to the time of the accomplishment of the sealing of the 144.000 elected saints of God in the future ? Bro. Houteff himself was aware of his need to have a Vice President to help him during his lifetime. But the present Vice President in Waco, Texas, was no more in need to have a President to lead him up to the end of his career in the near future. What an odd it is !

Our heavenly Father knows well long beforehand of all the manipulations to occur within His Head Quarters of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas after the death of His beloved servant in 1955. And that is the reason why through the prophecy of Zechariah that should have met its fulfillment in this time of the end, the Lord said, that as soon as when His shepherd whose name is Victor T. Houteff died, He would have taken the rein in His own hand to lead the flocks. And the flocks are none other than those Davidians SDA now associated in many places in the world, whoever survived the death of their shepherd in 1955.  

( B ) :

The story of the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA ever since the death of its President in 1955 even up to the sale of all the assets of the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA to the Presbyterian Church in 1962, and even up to the re-establishment of the same Head Quarters of Davidian SDA in 1991, have all taken more than 36 years long. A very very long time indeed. According to the law science, therefore, even according to the rules of the Constitution and Its By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA, the Head-Quarters of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, USA should have been totally liquidated, and then to have a new one established.  

But for us to have a new Head Quarters re-established in the future, it could just be done only when the prophetic statement by prophet Zechariah 4 : 9 should have been fulfilled as here below :  

“The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house ; his hands shall also finish it ; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.“ Zechariah 4 : 9. 

If the servant of the Lord, Mrs. White, had ever laid the Law of the Ten Commandments and the Spirit of Prophecy of the third angel message of Revelation 14 as the foundation of the Laodicean Church of SDA, and   the servant of the Lord Bro. Houteff as Zerubbabel  had ever laid the Law and the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY ( the Spirit of Prophecy + the Shepherd’s Rod ) as the foundation of the Laodicean Church of  Davidian SDA, then for him to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah 4 : 9, the hands of Zerubbabel also, which represent  the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA, that should have accomplished totally the building of the house. That is, that the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA, which was ever before codified by Bro. Houteff himself, should have accomplished the establishment of the Davidic kingdom in Palestine.  

( C ) :

The re-establishment of the Head Quarters of the Mount Carmel Center in Waco, Texas, in 1991, is in fact totally illegal, because the acts were not at all carried out according to the rules of law available in the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA. No single statement could ever be found in the Spirit of Prophecy by Mrs. White, nor in the Shepherd’s Rod by Bro. Houteff, nor in the Constitution and Its By-Law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA, that could ever direct us to the re-establishment of the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA after the death of the servant of the Lord in 1955. Let alone for them to reestablish the Head Quarters of the Mount Carmel Center in 1991 after all its assets were ever fallen into the hands of the Presbyterian Church for nearly 30 years long. 

The only statement that ever could be found to direct us to the reestablishment of the Head Quarters of the Davidian SDA after the death of Bro. Houteff is through the prophecy of Zechariah 4 : 9. And that must be done according to the rules of implementation as those presented  in the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA beginning from the “Preface” on page 2. Thus, due to the fact, that even up to this very moment  there are  not as yet found in our midst  holy people to occupy all the functions available in the Organization of the coming Head Quarters, whereas the coming elected saints  of the 144.000 are themselves not as yet known among us, then the application of the Constitution and its By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA to establish a new Head Quarters of Davidian SDA could not as yet be done  after the death of the servant of the Lord Bro. Houteff. 

The application of the Constitution and the By-Law of
the Leviticus of Davidian SDA only t w i c e

Let us read again the “Preface” written by the servant of the Lord Bro. Houteff here below :

P r e f a c e

Provisional in set-up as well as in name, the Davidian Seventh day Adventist Association exists solely to accomplish a divinely appointed work within the Seventh day Adventist denomination, wherein it therefore strictly confines its activities. As its work there within draws to a close, and the “servant of our God” ( Rev. 7 : 3 ) are sealed, its name will be changed ( Isa. 56 : 5 ; 62 : 2; 65 : 15 ) and its purpose and its work will become all – embracing to the gospel (Matt. 17 : 11; Acts 3 : 21; Isa 61 : 4 – 7). Then its Constitution and By-Laws as herein codified will become fully operative.” — The Leviticus of Davidian SDA, p. 2.

The servant of the Lord Bro. Houteff had been authorized of God to codify the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA ever since the beginning. It is the same Constitution and the By-law that had been ever applied to be the foundation of the Organization of the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA. in Waco, Texas, USA, ever since the beginning of its establishment in 1935, to accomplish a divinely appointed work within the SDA denomination, wherein it therefore strictly confines its activities.  Thus is the first application of the Constitution and By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA.

When the divinely appointed work in the Laodicean Church of SDA comes to a close, and they the 144.000 elected saints of God have been sealed, then the following work should have been done as those prophesied in Zechariah 4 : 9. Then the second application of the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA should have been done following words by Bro. Houteff when he said : “ ……. THEN ITS CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAW AS HEREIN CODIFIED WILL BECOME FULLY OPERATIVE.” — The Leviticus of Davidian SDA, p. 2.

That is, in the future establishment of the Davidic Kingdom in the Palestine the application of the s a m e Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA would have again to be done, after first the name “Davidian SDA” to be changed into a new one, when the 144.000 saints of God shall be granted a new name by the Lord Jesus Himself. Read Isaiah 62 : 2.

A glimpse of a story of the first establishment
of the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA in 1935

The establishment of the Head Quarters of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, USA in 1935 is actually for the reorganization of the Organization of the angel of the Laodicean Church, or the General Conference of SDA which was in that year spewed out of Jesus’ mouth. This is to meet the fulfillment of the Call for a spiritual revival and reformation by Mrs. White in 1902 through the Review and Herald, of February 25, 1902. And to this Bro. Houteff said : 

“Provisional in set-up as well as in name, the Davidian Seventh day Adventist Association exists solely to accomplish a divinely appointed work within the Seventh day Adventist denomination, wherein it therefore strictly confines its activities.” — The Leviticus of Davidian SDA, p. 2.

But due to the fact is that Bro. Houteff had died in 1955. And since the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA do not any more recognize “death” as the consequence of sin, that had separated the President from his vice President for good, then ever since the time of Bro. Houteff’s death in 1955, the General Association of Davidian SDA in Waco, Texas, USA. should have been totally dissolved. However, due to the fact that the Head Quarters of the Mount Carmel Center had been in contrary   defended by Mrs. Houteff as Vice President, on and on. And then from here their fall spiritually from one end to the other seemed more and more imminent and unavoidable. It is clearly to show that the Lord had changed His leading hand from them. And at last the General Association of Davidian SDA as the Mount Carmel Center of the Lord God should have been liquidated and the whole assets of the Organization should have been sold to the Presbyterian Church in 1962.   

But later from the fact that after most of the assets had been bought back in 1991, and at the same time by the application of the same Constitution and its By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA, the Old Mount Carmel Center of the General Association of Davidian SDA was again reestablished on its original location in Waco, Texas, USA in 1991, so that to show us as if the Old Head Quarters of Davidian SDA of God should have been re-emerged to accomplish the divinely appointed work within the SDA Denomination wherein it therefore strictly confines its activities. But on the contrary which is now very queer to our mind why is only Vice President on the top of leadership, whereas the President was definitively absent for good ? How could this be allowable in the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA which is already holy and definitive for good up to the establishment of the Davidic Kingdom in the future ? 

Suppose that the re-establishment of the Old Waco, Texas, Head Quarters of the General Association of Davidian SDA of God in 1991 is legal and valid according to the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA. Then the Lord Himself should have them accomplishing all the work of proclaiming the sealing message in the future. And at the end by the same Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA the Davidic Kingdom should have been established in the Palestine. 

We then will have two Head Quarters of God in the future to rule in the Kingdom. Could it be possible for the Lord to have a double leadership in the future like that ? The Lord would certainly stop the one and to let the everlasting Kingdom to continue its mission. But how would the Lord do with the present Vice President and his fellow workers in the future ? Could you find any statement in the Rod to guide us to this matter ?

From all the message of the Present Truth we know for sure that such a case would never occur in the future. And the only way out for the Lord to do away with the present leadership of the Mount Carmel Center in Waco, Texas, is to let them away through the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ezekiel 9. And then finished.

C o n c l u d e d

When we are willing to trace back carefully the whole Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA more seriously, it would be directly understood that the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA have actually been already h o l y, they could no more be changed, except for the name “Davidian SDA” that should be changed with a new one when the 144.000 elected saints of God shall be called by the Lord Jesus Himself by a new name according to Isaiah 62 : 2 etc. So we have to understand in the following way.  

  1. All functions mentioned in the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA should have been occupied by the people who are no more prone to death. Even the vacancies of President and vice President must be occupied.
  2. From the fact that the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA no more recognize the “d e a t h“, then the President and his Vice President must be and live in the same time. When one of them dies, then the whole Organization should have been dissolved, and then a new One could ever again be organized.  
  3. The Organization of the General Association of Davidian SDA created by Bro. Houteff should have actually been dissolved as soon as after the death of the servant of the Lord in 1955.   
  4. And all other Organizations of Mount Carmel Centers which have been established later after the death of the servant of the Lord Bro. Houteff, in 1955, although by the application of the same Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA, they could no more be deemed right and valid, because the prophetic word that follows that should be observed and obeyed is none other than Zechariah 13 : 7.
  5. All Present truth believers must stay with their associations of Davidian SDA respectively, because they are “the little ones” who had survived the death of Bro. Houteff in 1955. Because the Lord through His prophet Zechariah had promised us that He would have lifted up His hand to guide us directly, and no more through any Organization of Davidian SDA in the world today. 
  6. “Awake, O sword against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered : and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.”  Zechariah 13 :  7.

Due to the fact that the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of Davidian SDA are holy and definitive, and only the name that should be changed to a new one, which is to be pronounced by the Lord Jesus Himself in the future ; and since their application are especially reserved for the establishment of the future Davidic kingdom in Jerusalem, Palestine, we are not as yet having holy people in our midst  at this time to occupy all the functions available in the Organization as those required in the Constitution and the By-law of the Leviticus of  Davidian SDA.

This is the main reason why our all knowing Father in Heaven long beforehand had sent us through His servant the prophet in Zechariah 13 : 7, that when the shepherd that represented Bro. Houteff died, the Lord Himself would have turned His hands upon “the little ones”, who represented all the associations of Davidian SDA, who survived the death of the servant of the Lord Bro. Houteff in 1955.  And thus are to come up from the branches of the late General Association of Davidian SDA in 1955 in Waco, Texas, USA, which are now scattered in many places in all Davidian : “Teachers of the Shepherd’s Rod“ of whom Brother Houteff had ever said, 

“The Bible and the books of the Spirit of Prophecy being the sole source of the Shepherd’s Rod message, therefore when the Rod is taught, the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are taught.  ……….. we must therefore, as teachers of the Shepherd’s Rod, teach only in the light of the Rod those passages which in one way or another need to be interpreted. Thus only will all Present Truth believers ever become of the same mind, seeing eye to eye and speaking the same thing.” Fundamental Beliefs, pp. 26, 27.

This is the unity that is required from all Present truth believers, just in these critical hours of the time of the end, that would never more be found with any Head Quarters of Davidian SDA in the world today. Such is the unity that must first be found in the world today among all present truth believers of Davidian SDA, before the 144.000 elected saints of God could ever receive their mark of deliverance, and even a new name that is to be pronounced by the Lord Jesus Himself in the near future.




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