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The Message that is

to enlighten the Earth


“Little heed is given to the Bible, and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light.”

Evangelism, p. 9.



The Old Testament Scriptures which were available in the time of David the  King and the prophet of God, consist of the five books of Moses : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Then followed by Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles, II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, and the Psalm, the book of his own writing. From his own words: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119  : 105, he meant it clear that all the words of God available in the Old Testament Scriptures during his life time were   fully understood. Thus, what is meant by him by “a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,” would inevitably mean “c l e a r and fully understood.”


Toward us, Seventh day-Adventists, however, the Lord through His mouthpiece Mrs. Ellen G. White, has warned : “Little heed is given to the Bible, and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light.” — Evangelism, p. 9.


It is clear enough how little heed is given to the Bible by our people, and that is because of lack of understanding.  And that is the reason why that the Lord in His mercy is now leading us, first with a lesser light and then up to the greater light. The lesser light in the time of Mrs. White is unavoidably means the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14, which is the Spirit of Prophecy. The message of the Spirit of Prophecy is to be found in her writings of The Spirit of Prophecy publications all along her life time.


Under the lesser light of the Spirit of Prophecy, we are to be led to the greater light, and that is the new light in the meaningful light of the Spirit of Prophecy.


New Light in

the light of the Spirit of Prophecy


A light = a message.  With the coming of a new light, it means a new message is to come, which is to be revealed in a light in which we have never before beheld it. And it would be a light greater than the message of the Spirit of Prophecy, which we have ever known up to now. In regard to the new light Mrs. White said:


“There is yet much precious truth to be revealed to the people in this time of peril and darkness, but it is Satan’s determined purpose to prevent the light of truth from shining into the hearts of men. If we would have the light that has been provided for us, we should show our desire for it by diligently searching the word of God. Precious truths that have long been in obscurity are to be revealed in a light that will make manifest their sacred worth; for God will glorify His word, that it may appear in a light in which we have never before beheld it.”  – Counsels to

School Work, p. 25.


In the light of the Spirit of Prophecy of Mrs. White, the new light will be truly new in which we have never before beheld it, neither in the Bible nor in the Spirit of Prophecy publications. To this Mrs. White again said:


“Only those who are living up to the light they have will receive greater light unless we are daily advancing in the exemplification of the active Christian virtues, we shall not recognize the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall nor discern or receive it.”– Testimonies to Ministers, p. 507.


Given that we are now living in the first month of the latter rain of the prophecy of Joel 2 : 23, then the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain would have been revealed in the new light which is greater than the former light of the Spirit of Prophecy. Only the Adventists who are living up to the light of the Spirit of Prophecy they have will receive greater light of the Shepherd’s Rod message. Due to their honesty to the Spirit of Prophecy, they will also be known as health reformers and the vegetarianism promoters in our midst. To this end the servant of the Lord have warned:


“The work of health reform is the Lord’s means for lessening suffering in our world and for p u r i f y i n g His church. ……….This work bears the signature of heaven, and will open doors for the entrance of other p r e c i o u s   t r u t h s. “ – Counsels on Diet and Food, p. 77.


Health Reform is a part of the message of the Spirit of Prophecy of Mrs. White. Only Seventh-day Adventists who are living up to the light of the Spirit of Prophecy, are to be the health reformers , and only these that will be blessed of the Lord with the precious new truths, that are to be found in the new light of the Shepherd’s Rod message.


New Light of

 the message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1


“And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.” – Revelation 18 : 1.


 “Then I saw another mighty angel commissioned to descend to the earth, to unite his voice with the third angel, and give power and force to his message. Great power and glory were imparted to the angel, and as he descended, the earth was lightened with his glory.…………..This message seemed to be an addition to the third message, joining it as the midnight cry joined the second angel’s message in 1844.”Early Writings, p. 277.


As “angels” of Revelation 14 represent messages from the Lord, then the angel of Revelation 18 : 1 would inevitably represent the same, and that is a message from the Lord or a new light of truth.


The earth will just be enlightened by the glory of the angel, only after he has united his voice with the third angel, and after giving his power and force to the third angel’s message.


Since we all know for sure that the Spirit of Prophecy by Mrs. Ellen G. White is represented by the third’s angel message of Revelation 14, and the Shepherd’s Rod message by Bro. Houteff has come as the message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1, then only through the unification of both messages in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY that could have enlightened the whole earth. Note, that the Spirit of Prophecy alone would have been powerless to have the whole earth enlightened. Even the Shepherd’s Rod has not by itself been commissioned to accomplish the work. Both messages, therefore, must blend.


From the prophecy of Zechariah chapter 4, which has been interpreted in our midst, there could be understood of how the Bible which consists of both the old and the new Testaments Scriptures have been completely interpreted into the golden bowl that represents THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. It was first interpreted by Mrs. White, which resulted in the writings of her Spirit of Prophecy publications in the golden bowl. Then followed by Bro. Houteff, represented in the prophecy by “Zerubbabel” that produced the Shepherd’s Rod message to fill the bowl to the full, to represent THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, which is now becoming the foundation of the House of God in the time of the end.


Thus is how the Bible has been developed into a  g r e a t   l i g h t, which is now enlightening our churches in the world, and then to the next turn to enlighten the whole earth up to the close of probation in the heavenly sanctuary.


Unification of the two messages in THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY


The New Message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1 will be found in the Shepherd’s Rod Publications as follows : 


The Shepherd’s Rod series

Tracts 1 – 15


1.        Pre “Eleventh Hour” Extra

2.        The Great Paradox of The Ages

3.        The Judgment and The Harvest

4.        The Harvest (Supplement)

5.        The Latest News For “Mother”

6.        Final Warning

7.        Why Perish ?

8.        Controversy Over “The Shepherd’s Rod”

9.        Mount Sion At The Eleventh Hour

10.    “Behold, I Make All Things New”

11.    The Sign Of Jonah

12.    God’s titles not restricted

13.    World Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

14.    Christ’s Greetings

15.    War New Forecast

16.    To the seven churches


Timely Greetings


Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, Nos. 1 – 52

Timely Greetings, Vol. 2, Nos. 1 – 46


The Answerer Books


The Answerer, book 1

The Answerer, book 2

The Answerer, book 3

The Answerer, book 4

The Answerer, book 5


Miscellaneous Tracts


The Leviticus of DSDA

Fundamental Beliefs And Directory

The Shepherd’s Rod, Tract 1

1950 General Conference Special

The White-House Recruiter

The Entering Wedge

Cookright Cook Book

Reporting Un-adventist Activities

Mt. Carmel Training Center

Military Stand of DSDA


Symbolic Codes


Symbolic Codes, Vols. 10 and 11

Symbolic Codes, Vol. 12

Symbolic Codes, Vol. 13


Jezreel Letters


Jezreel Letters. Nos. 1 – 9


The Shepherd’s Rod


The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1

The Shepherd’s Rod. Vol. 2


The Message of the three angels of Revelation 14 will be found in the Spirit of Prophecy publication as follows :


E.G. White Book Titles :

  1. The Acts of the Apostles
  2. The Adventist Home
  3. The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 1 (2 BC etc., for vols. 2 – 7)
  4. Counsels on Diet and Foods
  5. Child Guidance
  6. Counsels on Health
  7. Christian Service
  8. Colporteur Ministry
  9. Christ’s Object Lessons
  10. Counsels on Stewardship
  11. Counsels on Sabbath School Work
  12. Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
  13. Counsels to Writers and Editors
  14. The Desire of Ages
  15. Education
  16. Evangelism
  17. Early Writings
  18. Fundamentals of Christian Education
  19. The Great Controversy
  20. Gospel Workers
  21. Life Sketches of Ellen G. White
  22. Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing
  23. The Ministry of Healing
  24. My Life Today
  25. Medical Ministry
  26. Messages to Young People
  27. Prophets and Kings
  28. Patriarchs and Prophets
  29. Steps to Christ
  30. Sons and Daughters of God
  31. Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1
  32. Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2
  33. Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3
  34. Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4, part 1
  35. Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4, part 2
  36. The Sanctified Life
  37. Selected Messages, book 1
  38. Selected Messages, book 2
  39. The Story of Redemption
  40. Testimonies, vol. 1 (2T etc., for vols. 2 – 9)
  41. Temperance
  42. Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
  43. Testimony Treasures, vol. 1 (2TT etc., for vols. 2 and 3)
  44. Welfare Ministry



Having the True

practical Religion in this time of the end


Jesus ever said : “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14 : 15. It means, if we are truly loving Him, we have to live up a right practical religion. And that is to keep His commandments.


The commandments of God have been popularly known among us to be the Law of God. It is the basic Law of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is unchangeable. That the Law could be kept by all citizens of the Kingdom, it must be supplemented with the Bylaws which contain all the Rules of Implementation of the basic Law. The Bylaws or the Rules of Implementation of the Law by prophet Isaiah are called the “Testimony”. “To the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” – Isaiah 8 : 20.


Differ from the basic Law is that the Testimony is changeable. The Testimony has been changed several times from the time of Adam and Eve even up to this time of the end. From the Testimony, to the Testimony of Jesus Christ, up to the time of the end by the name THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, when the THINGS TO COME promised by Jesus in John 16 : 13 could have been fully provided us. This is to meet the fulfillment of the prophetic word of Revelation 19 : 10.


Given that the Lord could not save His people in this time of the end upon only an incomplete Gospel, that He has sent His servant to warn us in the following words, “LET MINISTERS AND PEOPLE REMEMBER THAT THE GOSPEL TRUTH RUINS IF IT DOES NOT SAVE.” – Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 134.


If the Lord could have saved us with only a partial Gospel Truth, He should have saved also all other popular churches, who have been left in partial darkness. And that is indeed illogical, illegitimate, and flagrantly injustice.



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