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Why is “time setting” of the coming of JESUS opposed by the people ?


J e s u s  :
“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. “ – Matthew 24 : 36.


Let us read again the above statement in the book of Matthew 24 : 36. And then let Mrs. White tell us the whole story of the matter here below: 

“Christ’s words had been spoken in the hearing of a large number of people; but when He was alone, Peter, John, James, and Andrew came to Him as He sat upon the Mount of Olives. “Tell us,” they said, “when shall these things be ? and what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world ?” Jesus did not answer His disciples by taking up separately the destruction of Jerusalem and the great day of His coming. He mingled the description of these two events. Had He opened to His disciples future events as He beheld them, they would have been unable to endure the sight. In mercy to them He blended the description of the two great crises, leaving the disciples to study out the meaning for themselves. When He referred to the destruction of Jerusalem, His prophetic words reached beyond that event to the final conflagration in that day when the Lord shall rise out of His place to punish the world for their iniquity, when the earth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. This entire discourse was given, not for the disciples only, but for those who should live in the last scenes of this earth’s history.” The Desire of Ages, p. 628.

The two questions presented to Jesus by the disciples are : “When  shall these things be ? and what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world ?”

Though all the questions have been answered by Jesus, however, in fact only the destruction of Jerusalem which had been the pride of the Jewish people up to the time, that had been fulfilled in history. The other events have just been fulfilled later up to the time of the end, after the 18th century after the angel Gabriel’s statements to Daniel in Daniel 12 : 9, 10 meet their fulfillment, ever since the servant of the Lord Bro. William Miller and his Philadelphian Church emerged on the stage of history.  

William Miller and his message
proclaiming the time prophecy of Daniel 8 : 14 were
opposed by most of the people

To this Mrs. White said :
“To William Miller and his cola borers it was given to preach the warning in America. This country became the center of the great advent movement. It was here that the prophecy of the first angel’s message had its most direct fulfillment. The writings of Miller and his associates were carried to distant lands. Wherever missionaries had penetrated in the entire world, were sent the glad tidings of Christ’s speedy return. Far and wide spread the message of the everlasting gospel : “FEAR  GOD, AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM; FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT IS COME.” 

“The testimony of the prophecies which seemed to point to the coming of Christ in the spring of 1844 took deep hold of the minds of the people. As the message went from state to state, there was everywhere awakened widespread interest. Many were convinced that the arguments from the prophetic periods were correct, and, sacrificing their pride of opinion, they joyfully received the truth. Some ministers laid aside their sectarian views and feelings, left their salaries and their churches, and united in proclaiming the coming of Jesus. There were comparatively few ministers, however, who would accept this message; therefore it was largely committed to humble laymen.” – The Great Controversy, p. 368.

Nevertheless Mrs. White further said :

“Jesus did not come to the earth as the waiting, joyful company expected, to cleanse the sanctuary by purifying the earth by fire.  I saw that they were correct in their reckoning of the prophetic periods; prophetic time closed in 1844, and Jesus entered the most holy place to cleanse the sanctuary at the ending of the days. Their mistake consisted in not understanding what the sanctuary was and the nature of its cleansing.”   — Early Writings, p. 243. 

“If William Miller could have seen the light of the third message, many things which looked dark and mysterious to him would have been explained.”  – Early Writings, p. 258.

William Miller and his movement, according to the history, was first beginning in the year 1831. This means that up to 1844 Bro. Miller was not as yet in position  to receive the message of the sudden coming of Jesus to His temple in Palestine as those mentioned in Revelation 14 : 1. His knowledge was still limited to only the coming of Jesus that was ever informed to His disciples by the Lord when He was on the Mount of Olives, sometime about  1800 years ago in 31.

Thus all Christians of the time were still holding tightly to the statement of Jesus in Matthew 24 : 36, when He said: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” — Matthew 24 : 36. This is why Mrs. White said : 

“The preaching of “definite time” called forth great opposition from all classes, from the minister in the pulpit down to the most reckless, heaven-daring sinner. “No man knoweth the day nor the hour,” was heard from the hypocritical minister and the bold scoffer. Neither would be instructed and corrected by those who were pointing to the year when they believed the prophetic periods would run out, and to the signs which showed Christ near, even at the doors.  Many shepherds of the flock, who professed to love Jesus, said that they had no opposition to the preaching of Christ’s coming, but they objected to the definite time. God’s all-seeing eye read their hearts. They did not love Jesus near. They knew that their unchristian lives would no0t stand the test, for they were not walking in the humble path marked out by Him. These false shepherds stood in the way of the work of God. The truth spoken in its convincing power aroused the people, and like the jailer, they began to inquire, “What must I do to be saved ?” But these shepherds stepped in between the truth and the people, and preached smooth things to lead them from the truth.  ……” – Early Writings, pp. 233, 234. 

The same opposition in this time of the end, even more conspicuous as ever had been prophesied  

The opposition of the people in this time of the end is not against the coming of Jesus, but more against a n y definite time set for the coming, either the day and hour of His second coming, or the date, the month and the year of His sudden coming on the mount Zion in the Palestine. To this end the servant of the Lord said : 

“The proclamation of a definite time for Christ’s coming called forth great opposition from many of all classes, from the minister in the pulpit down to the most reckless, Heaven-daring sinner. The words of prophecy were fulfilled : “There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, where is the promise of His coming ? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3 : 3, 4. Many who professed to love the Savior, declared that they had no opposition to the doctrine of the second advent; they merely objected to the definite time.” – The Great Controversy, p. 370.

Due to the fact that the people of God in this time of the end are none other than only the Laodiceans of SDA, it is no wonder if all the opposition in the time of Miller should have been reiterated now to meet its fulfillment as ever before predicted in the prophecy.  

Thus as well as the Laodicean Church of SDA should have been divided into two classes of virgins : the wise categorized virgins on the one side and the foolish categorized ones on the other side ; and even the wise categorized ones themselves should also be divided into two classes of people : the candidates of the 144.000 elected saints of God on the one side, and those wise virgins with guile in their mouths on the other side.

Then, those who are to be implicated in the so-called “time setting”, which comprises the date, and the month, and the year of the coming of Jesus, would be none other than the now candidates of the 144.000 saints of God, who are to stand with the Lord on the mount Zion in the near future at the time appointed in their message. 

Whereas those who are to oppose the definite time set in their message for the sealing of the 144.000 elected saints of God in the future, they are to be none other than the foolish categorized virgins of SDA Church and their counterparts, the Davidian SDA people, who are the wise categorized virgins of SDA Church with guile in their mouths.  All their acts of doing things to oppose the message and the definite time set in the message for the fulfillment of the coming of the Lord to His temple here on earth prophesied in Malachi 3 : 1, and Revelation 14 : 1, are to prove themselves to be the “scoffers, who walk after their own lusts.” 

The definite time of “the day and hour” mentioned in Matthew 24 : 36 will always be concealed from us up to the end of the history of the world. But the day, and the month, and the year, such as October 22, 1844, which was the beginning of the investigative judgment in the heavenly court of justice, in the heavenly sanctuary, would never be concealed from all the defendants, whose cases should be investigated therein. This the reason why the servant of the Lord said :

“Is there any way whereby we can determine the time of the opening of the seal, and the commencement of the judgment for the living ? If God so faithfully revealed to the living the commencement of the judgment for the dead (in October 22, 1844), it cannot be possible that He would keep secret the time of the judgment for the living. If He did, we would have no present truth in the time of the last seal ; neither could there be justice in such secrecy, nor could such judgment be legal. Therefore, a revelation of the judgment for the living, is of as great importance as the revelation of the gospel itself. For the judgment (blotting out the sins) is the crowning act in the gospel of Christ. Thus we conclude that when the seal is opened, and the judgment for the living begins, we must know it. The day of atonement in its type proves the same, for the Israelites were well informed of the event, their duty, and the consequence.” – The Shepherd’s Rod, vol. 2, p. 220. (In brackets added)

Is Miller aware that by finding October 22, 1844 as the end of the 2300 days of the prophecy of Daniel 8 : 14, he would have been wrong against “time” mentioned by Jesus in
Matthew 24 : 36 ? 

Miller was actually aware that the message he was preaching is the second advent of Jesus prophesied by the first angel message of Revelation 14 : 7, that is to be fulfilled at the end of the 2300 days of the prophecy of Daniel 8 : 14 , “Unto two thousand and three hundred days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” Therefore after discovering October 22, 1844 as the beginning of the Judgment in the heavenly court of justice in the heavenly sanctuary, he was then assured that the Lord Jesus would have come to cleanse this earth with fire. Mrs. White then corrected his miscalculation by saying : 

“Jesus did not come to the earth as the waiting, joyful company expected, to cleanse the sanctuary by purifying the earth by fire. I saw that they were correct in their reckoning of the prophetic periods; prophetic time closed in 1844 (October 22, 1844) and Jesus entered the most holy place to cleanse the sanctuary at the ending of the days (2300 days). Their mistakes consisted in not understanding what the sanctuary was and the nature of its cleansing.” — Early Writings, p. 243 (In brackets added).

The facts are now clear, that those mentioned in Matthew 24 : 36 are specifically related to the second advent of Jesus only, which is to come to pass at the end of this world history. Whereas, beforehand there are several other comings of Jesus, which were not as yet told to the disciples during His mission in the Palestine in the past.  One of them is His coming to the heavenly court of justice in the heavenly sanctuary above in October 22, 1844, which was wrongly reported through his message ever since 1831 up to 1844.

Every rational being should have understood, that Christians, who are opposing the definite time of Jesus’ coming, either of His second advent at the end of the world, or of His sudden coming to His temple in the heavenly court of justice in the near future, they would have totally failed to get all the benefits of Jesus’ mission to gain our salvation into the Kingdom. By opposing the definite time of His coming men would not be able to make the due preparation for that great event.

The Day and Hour of Jesus’ second advent would have been proclaimed by God the Father Himself

All people must know for sure, that the coming of Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24 : 36 is the second advent of Jesus, that is to come to pass in the end of the world. That glorious coming will be preceded by the close of probation in the heavenly court of justice in the heavenly sanctuary. Jesus would have first accomplished all His work as Redeemer of mankind. And all this work would have been accomplished in 2031.  

Thus the second coming of Jesus is no more as Redeemer of mankind, but as King of kings and Lord of lords. All the living saints should have first been purely sanctified and holy. And all of them would have been placed in the Kingdom of heaven, which is in the Palestine.  And that is the reason why when Jesus comes in the air from afar off a l l  e y e s  are able to see Him when He is to be accompanied by ten thousands of thousands of His angels.  

However,  about a week in advance before the great and glorious event to take place, the servant of the Lord Mrs. White said :

“The voice of God is heard from heaven, declaring the day and hour of Jesus’ coming, and delivering the everlasting covenant to His people. Like peals of loudest thunder His words roll through the earth. The Israel of God stand listening, with their eyes fixed upward. Their countenances are lighted up with His glory, and shine as did the face of Moses when he came down from Sinai. The wicked cannot look upon them. And when the blessing is pronounced on those who have honored God by keeping His Sabbath holy, there is a mighty shout of victory.

“Soon there appears in the east a small black cloud, about half the size of man’s hand. It is the cloud which surrounds the Savior and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness. The people of God know this to be the sign of the Son of man.“ — The Great Controversy, p. 640.

Jesus ‘statement of “the day and hour” in Matthew 24 : 36 as those explained by the servant of the Lord Mrs. White above, will be fulfilled just at the end of the world. At that time God the Father Himself would have declared the d a y and h o u r of the advent of Jesus to all the saints, both they who are awaiting His appearance in the kingdom in the Palestine, even Paul, Peter, James, and Andrew, and all those saints who are to be resurrected by the Lord God Himself as those prophesied in Revelation 20 : 6 and 1 Thessalonian 4 : 16, 17 just before Jesus’ appearance in the air. 

The problem now is : Why are only the d a y and h o u r to be concealed from us ? Why not the date, and the month, and the year of the advent of Jesus that should be concealed from us ? 

Since only the d a y and h o u r  are to be  made known, then it must inevitably mean, that the announcement would just be given us o n e  w e e k  i n  a d v a  n c e. Just one week before the second advent of Jesus, then are the d a y and h o u r  mentioned in Matthew 24 : 36 to be declared to the whole earth.

The month and the year of the second advent of Jesus must inevitably be already much anticipated by the saints, because there are several comings of Jesus that would have come to pass beforehand, such as :

  1. October 22, 1844 to be the commencement of the investigative judgment for the dead in the heavenly court of justice in the heavenly sanctuary. This is proclaimed by Miller as the message of the first angel of Revelation 14 : 7.
  2. October 2, 2027 is the accomplishment of the sealing of the 144.000 elected saints of God. Readers are cordially invited to visit the website : www.nubuatan-berbicara.org and to find the article named : THE TIME WHEN THE 144.000 ELECTED SAINTS OF GOD ARE TO BE SEALED.
  3. The close of probation in the heavenly sanctuary will take place in 2031, when a special message from Jesus will be proclaimed unto all the earth as follows : “HE THAT IS UNJUST, LET HIM BE UNJUST STILL; AND HE WHICH IS FILTHY, LET HIM BE FILTHY STILL : AND HE THAT IS RIGHTEOUS, LET HIM BE RIGHTEOUS STILL; AND HE THAT IS HOLY, LET HIM BE HOLY STILL.” – Revelation 22 : 11. 
  4. The dooms time in the future is to take a period of 15 months after the close of probation in 2031. The dooms in the future will be the seven last plagues, to be poured upon the wicked one after another up to the coming of Jesus in the air. This dooms story will be further deliberated in another time.  

The fact now is clear that up to the second coming of Jesus in the air, the day and hour of His coming mentioned in Matthew 24 : 36 were never known by anybody here on earth. But why is it that any time set for His coming prior to the second coming is always opposed by the people ?

C o n c l u s i o n

Since the Kingdom of Heaven is a law state, then the only law that has become the foundation of faith of all religious people of God on the earth, will consist of the Ten Commandments of the Decalogue’s as the basic Law, and the Testimony or the Testimony of Jesus Christ, which is THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of Rev. 19 : 10 as the by-Law. We have to understand, therefore, that October 22, 1844 found by Bro. William Miller has shown us the commencement of the Investigative Judgment in the heavenly Court of Justice, in the heavenly sanctuary, judging all the people of God of this earth beginning on the cases of those first inhabited this earth, Adam and Eve. And to all of us, through the message of the first angel of Rev. 14 : 7 apply the message :  “FEAR GOD, AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM; FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT IS COME. AND WORSHIP HIM THAT MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH AND THE SEA AND THE FOUNTAIN OF WATERS.” That is, let all the people repent and let us all return to the Rules of Implementation of the Basic Law in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, for the hour of His Judgment has come. 

The hour of His judgment in the heavenly court of justice has begun ever since October 22, 1844 on the cases of all the dead ever since the creation. And soon after that, any time in the near future the cases of all the living would pass before the heavenly court for a judicial review. 

Since October 22, 1844 has been found by the servant of the Lord, Bro. Miller, to be the commencement of the judgment for the dead, are you yet to oppose the October 2, 2027 that was found in the message of Revelation 18 : 1 through the servant of the Lord Bro. Victor T. Houteff to be the commencement of the judgment for us the living ?

Time and again we have been warned by the Lord through His simple servant here below : 

“The proclamation of a definite time for Christ’s coming called forth great opposition from many of all classes, from the minister in the pulpit down to the most reckless, Heaven-daring sinner. The words of prophecy were fulfilled : “There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, where is the promise of His coming ? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3 : 3, 4. Many, who professed to love the Saviour, declared that they had no opposition to the doctrine of the second advent; they merely objected to the definite time.” – The Great Controversy, p. 370.

Although the day and hour of the advent of Jesus as those mentioned in Matthew 24 : 36 would not be known by any man on earth up to end of time, the wicked scoffers of this time of the end are always to base their mind upon the day and hour to justify their argument to oppose any definite time of all other comings of Jesus before the end of the world.



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