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Formulation of Time Setting

In The Light of the Spirit of Prophecy

Who is to Blame ?


Ellen G. White :


One saying of the Saviour must not be made to destroy another. Though no man knoweth the day nor the hour of His coming, we are instructed and required to know when it is near. We are further taught that to disregard His warning, and refuse or neglect to know when His advent is near, will be as fatal for us as it was for those who lived in the days of Noah not to know when the Flood was coming.” –


The Great Controversy, p. 371.



There are five functional jobs in the New Testament period. The apostle Paul said:


“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the  ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ : till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge  of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ : that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.”Ephesians 4 : 11 – 14. And Sister White said:


“God has a church, and she has a divinely appointed ministry. ‘And He gave some apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ …………..etc. “Testimonies to Ministers, p. 52.


All of the apostles have died in the first century, and hence there are only four functional jobs available up to the time of the end.  As prophets of God, Sister Ellen G. White and Bro. Victor T. Houteff ever lived among us in the time of the end, but since they are themselves no more alive now, they would be represented only by their messages, which have been fully compiled in the golden bowl of Zechariah 4, which is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. God has instructed to all of them, especially to the evangelists, pastors and teachers, who are now alive, to do the same work, which is to perfect the saints for the work of ministry, and to edify the body of Christ,  till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God ….., that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.


To edify the body of Christ is to build and develop the moral character of our people. This is to teach the whole message of the golden bowl to such an extent to have the message be fully comprehended by the people. So the evangelists, pastors, and teachers have the privilege from God to use their skills, their talented capacity to write and to speak, and even their means and ways, as freely as possible to have the message be comprehended by the people.  But for the sake of preserving the purity of the truth of the message, however, we have been warned of God as follows:


Saith the Lord, every word of God is p u r e ….. Add thou not unto His words, lest He reproves thee and thou be found a liar.”Christ Object Lessons, p. 41.


What is the work of the minister of the gospel? It is to rightly d i v i d e the word of truth, not to invent a new gospel, but to rightly divide the gospel already committed to them.” – Review & Herald, September 11, 1888. 


We are not allowed of God to add into His words a new gospel of our own invention, nor our own ideas that is not in the light of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. We are not allowed to weave into the message our own interpretations of the Bible nor of the writings of Sister White.


However, let us be very careful

of the narrow-minded fundamentalism!



Concerning this narrow-minded fundamentalism, Brother Victor T. Houteff, prior to his death in 1955, had warned us as follows:


Everything that can be done against God’s message of today will be done with even a greater vengeance than was manifest against Heaven’s message in the days of Christ’s first advent, for the Devil knows that if he loses now, he loses forever — that he is to have no other chance. Unparalleled, therefore, is the urgency that every eleventh-hour church member now quickly and solidly brace himself against the Enemy’s effort to deliver a knockout blow. We must be alert, too, to realize that the blow is to come from surprisingly unsuspected foes — from professed friends of the gospel, who are no less pious than were the priests in Christ’s day. It is, moreover,  but to be expected that the Adversary will employ every agency possible to prevent the Lord from disclosing to view His now obscure 144.000 first fruit servants, who are to go gather in the second fruits (Revelation 7 : 9). The Enemy will try everything conceivable to confuse, becloud, and cover up the Truth, especially on the subject of the 144.000.”The White House Recruiter, p. 33.



Although be not fully aware of these warnings by Houteff, most Seventh-Day Adventists know that Mrs. Houteff has ever formulated a time setting of her own, after the death of her husband in 1955,  that the kingdom of the 144.000 would be established in Palestine in 1959. And since her prediction had failed to materialize, she then declared to the public that the message of the Shepherd’s Rod was not fully right. She then liquidated the Headquarters of the General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventist in Waco, Texas, USA in 1962. And the Davidians later were scattered to several places in Los Angeles, California, to Salem in South Caroline, to New York, and even up to Canada, until 1991 when the original location  in Waco, Texas was again be bought and returned to under our control.


The act of Mrs. Houteff to formulate the 1959 as a definite time for the establishment of the kingdom in Palestine was indeed a flagrant transgression of the law, and the consequences were very serious. The Enemy’s effort to deliver a knockout blow was successfully carried out. And our people must stay for several years as though unconscious until 1991. Shall we now be assured that we are fully free from the attack of the Enemy which is to come from the same leadership now vested with the Headquarters?  Most of our people seemed to forget that the warnings by Brother Houteff was still ringing, because he said : We must be alert, too, to realize that the blow is to come from surprisingly unsuspected foesfrom professed friends of the gospel, who are no less pious than were the priests in Christ’s day.”– The White House Recruiter, p. 33.


We must be alert too! Not only of the one that has passed by, but from the unsuspected professed friends of the gospel, who are now leading at the Headquarters in Waco, Texas, USA. They are no less pious than were the narrow-minded fundamentalist priests in the time of Jesus. These professed friends of the gospel should be found leading at the Headquarters, for otherwise they could not be identified by the people in the fields, and the consequences of their transgressions could not be known.


These leaders with their view of narrow-minded fundamentalism of the priests in the time of Jesus, shall restrict us very tightly by not permitting anyone to formulate whatever time setting, nor to write any article or book, although in the full light of the Bible and the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. They have based their view upon the following warning presented  by Bro. Houteff in The Symbolic Code, vol.1, No.4, page 1,  dated October 15, 1934  as follows :


“Dear Brethren :


‘Hearken “diligently with much heed.” In order to keep our garments unspotted from the ever flowing flood of errors and theories of men which have demolished the “old” SDA “platform” and pulled the “beautiful garments” (Isa. 52 : 1) of Zion’s “delicate” form, the following rules must be carefully kept to enable us all to speak the same thing  — raise up the foundations of many generations; “ and be “ called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.”  (Isa. 58 : 12).

            “Teach the message as it is — add nothing to it, neither take anything from it. Do not feel that it is your duty to answer everybody‘s questions, or to explain the whole Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Only a silly person attempts such a thing. The  s c r o l l  i s  n o t  y e t  u n r o l l e d  t h a t  f a r.  Do not go beyond what the Shepherd’s Rod has explained. ……………………. There was never a prophet who claimed to explain everything to his opponents even though the questions to be answered were concerning his own message. All those who demanded an explanation on every detail before taking their stand, fell into “the bottomless pit.“


“We have greater evidence in support of our message than the prophets could ever produce in their times. ……………………………..


“Do not weave into “The Shepherd’s Rod” message your own interpretations of the Bible and of Sr. White’s writings, nor any of your constructions on anything that is written therein before first submitting your points to  t h i s  o f f i c e …If your claim on a subject, which you may hold as being correct, is found so and accepted as of value by this office after a careful examination, we can have it published and distributed throughout our ranks, if that is your desire. But if we see no light in your verbal presentation or document of your claims, we shall so inform you as quickly as possible. Then if you do not feel clear to yield to our judgment, be you pleased to know that we shall not attempt to block your way of teaching the same, nor oppose those who wish to read or listen to your discourses. “Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind” is our position.   (Rome 14 : 5).


“But if any of you are already guilty of teaching something of your own at the SRod’s expense, you will have 30 days from date in which you may, in writing, notify this office, stating the topic of your doctrine and your intention in reference to it. If it be your desire to retract, do so and there shall be nothing held against you. But if you fail to comply with the conditions herein stated, be you notified now that you may hand or send in your resignation within the time specified and we shall relieve you of any future obligations to our message.


“Any one violating this command will be dealt with as an unfaithful watchman, as one giving the trumpet an uncertain sound. See our tract #4, “The Latest News for Mother,” pp. 65, 66. — Symbolic Code, vol.1, No. 4, p. 1.”


(Keep This Article in Your Notebook)


*  *  *


The message available up to the year 1934 was found in only two books: the SRod volume 1 and 2. The Shepherd’s Rod vol. 2 was just finished in 1934.  With so limited knowledge of the message available at that time,  our pioneers had been advised not to feel that it is their duty to answer everybody’s questions or to explain the whole Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, because the scroll is not yet unrolled that far. That is why Houteff said: ‘Teach the message as it is, add nothing to it, neither take anything from it. Do not weave into “The Shepherd’s Rod” message (of those two books) your own interpretations of the Bible and of Sr. White’s writings, nor any of your constructions on anything that is written in those books.


The condition now is altogether altered, because the scroll has been fully unrolled, and the golden oil has been emptied itself out from the two olive branches, and through the golden pipes into the golden bowl, which is upon the seven lamps of the candlestick of Zechariah 4.  The hands of Zerubbabel have successfully laid the foundation of this house, which is the body of Christ in this time of the end. So suppose if those same restrictions enacted by Houteff in 1934 are yet to be carried out today, then the errors of placing the special resurrection and the time of Jacob trouble by Houteff in the SRod books, to occur in the sixth and the seventh last plagues, would always remain to be truth to be preserved up to now.  In fact there are several more errors discovered in the SRod books that are no more held to be truth at this time. Note:  No single statement left by Houteff to tell us openly of those errors that should be scrapped from the message of the two books.


The present leaders of Mount Carmel Center in Waco, Texas, have fully admitted of those discrepancies found in the Shepherd’s Rod books volumes 1 and 2.  And that is the reason why those two books are no more so freely available now among us.  But how ironical it is, that they are still fully committed to uphold the article presented by Houteff in The Symbolic Code, vol. 1, No.4, p.1 dated October 15, 1934., whereas instead of “Teach the message as it is …… add nothing to it, neither take anything from it,” they have time and again inserted several articles from Time Magazines etc. into the Symbolic Code.  Here again is to be seen how they lack the Spirit of Truth to lead them that their acts of doing things could no more correspond with their profession.


So, let us realize now, that since the scroll has been fully unrolled, we would no more be strictly restricted to teach the message as before in the 1934. The condition has been changed, that Brother Houteff said:


“………..as teachers of the Shepherd’s Rod (the official publications of the Davidian SDA Association), teach only in the light of the Rod those passages which in one way or another need to be interpreted. Thus only will all Present Truth believers ever become of the same mind, seeing eye to eye and speaking the same things.” Fundamental Beliefs, pp. 28, 29.


“God wants the teachers in our schools to be efficient. If they are advanced in spiritual understanding, they will feel that it is important that they should not be deficient in the knowledge of the sciences. Piety and a religious experience lie at the very foundation of true education. But let none feel that having an earnest in religious matters is all that is essential in order to become educators. While they need no less of piety, they also need a thorough knowledge of the sciences. This will make them not only good, practical Christians, but will enable them to educate the youth, and at the same time they will have heavenly wisdom to lead them to the fountain of living waters.” — The Leviticus of DSDA, p. 56, par. 2.


“God has given us light in regard to the things that are now taking place in the last remnant of time, and with p e n and v o i c e we (as ministers) are to proclaim the truth to the world (beginning in the Church), not in a tame, spiritless way, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power of God.”Testimonies To Ministers, p. 470 (In the brackets is inserted).


What is meant by Time Setting ?


Time setting is an act of setting time of a future event. The time could be the hour, or the day, or the week, or the month, or the year.  There is a time, that God has not authorized any one to freely set that  time of  future events, because He will set the time Himself, and then to announce it at His own favorable time. What is meant by that specific time could be clearly observed from the following statements:


From the Bible:


[1]     “Watch therefore, for y e know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man come.” – Matthew 25 : 13.


[2]     “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looked not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of.” – Matthew 24 : 36, 50.


From The Spirit of Prophecy:


[3]     “Time had not been a test since 1844, and that time will never again be a test.” Early Writings, p. 75.


[4]     “I saw that some were getting a false excitement, arising from teaching time; but the third angels message is stronger than time can be. I saw that this message can stand on its own foundation and need no time to strengthen it; and that it will go in mighty power, and do its work, and will be cut short in righteousness.” — EW. 75.1.


[5]     “Again and again have I been warned in regard to time setting. There will never again be a message for the people of God that will be based on time. We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ.” – 1 Selected Messages, p. 188.


[6]     “Let all our brethren and sisters beware  of anyone who would set a time for the Lord to fulfill His word in regard to His coming, or in regard to any other promise He has made of special significance.” – TM. p. 55.


[7]     “We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ …..You will not be able to say that He will come in one, two, or five years, neither are you to put off His coming  by stating that it may not be for ten  or twenty years.” — Review and Herald, March 22, 1892,


From the SRod publications:


[8]    “I wish that I could tell you all you want to know, but I could not say how soon the separation, the purification of the church (Testimonies , vol. 5, p. 80) will take place. God alone knows the time.”2 TG #41, p. 3.


[9]    “The message sets no date, either exact or approximate, for the closing of the judgment of the dead, or for the beginning of the judgment of the living. The time of the cessation of the one event and the beginning of the other, is not to be known until the one is past and the other begun.” – Answerer Book 1, p. 94.


[10]  Question No. 256:  “How cans The Shepherd’s Rod set prophetic dates and yet be in harmony with Testimonies to Ministers, p. 55, and Early Writings, p. 75?

Answer: “Were the Rod guilty of this offense, it of course could not be in harmony with the Testimonies.

“But it has never set the date of any future event. It has merely established the dates of certain prophetic events which have already taken place. Thus the dates which are treated of in The Shepherd’s Rod message are of events a f t e r they have been fulfilled — never before they have been fulfilled.”  — S.C. vol. 8 Nos. 1 – 12 p. 20 (1942).


“The date of that most glorious event for the righteous, but exceeding solemn for the wicked, will be made known at the fulfillment of the following verse: ‘And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thundering, and lightning’s and an earthquake.’ (Rev. 8 : 5). The casting of the fire from the altar into the earth is the outpouring of the Spirit of God. We have stated before that the book of Revelation is a revealing of prophecies, and not a prophecy of itself. Therefore we find the prediction of this glorious event in Joel 2 : 28, 29. The “voices, and the thundering, and the lightening,” denote the opening of the judgment for the living, as they also denote the opening of the judgment for the dead. (See Rev. 4 : 5). The earthquake will be the sign of the event.” – 2 S.R. pp. 220 – 221.



It is clear now that what is meant by “the time” in those statements is none other than “the date”, or “the day and the hour”, which is only God has the prerogative right to announce them on His right time. It is the date of the beginning of the purification of the church, and the day and the hour of the second coming of Christ. The evangelists, pastors, and teachers, even the prophets, were not authorized of God to set any date or any day and hour of the two future events. Regarding the two main events, the servant of the Lord said:


“The date of that most glorious event for the righteous, but exceeding solemn for the wicked, will be made known at the fulfillment of the ….. ……. (Rev. 8 : 5).” – 2 SRod. pp. 220 – 221.


“The voice of God is heard from heaven, declaring the day and the hour of Jesus’ coming, and delivering the everlasting covenant to His people.” – Great Controversy, p. 640, par. 3.


“And as God spoke the day and the hour of Jesus’ coming …..” – Early Writings, p. 285.

“Soon we heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and the hour of Jesus’ coming. The living saints, the 144.000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder and earthquake. When God spake the t i m e, He poured upon us the Holy Spirit, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God, as Moses’ did when he came down from Mount Sinai.” – 1 Testimonies, p. 59, par. 1.


N o t e :  God spoke the t i m e = God announced the date and the day and the hour.

               The t i m e   = the date or the day and the hour.


“It is not for you to know the t i m e s or the seasons, which the father had put in His own power. “ – Testimonies to Ministers, p. 55.   That means, we are not to know the date or the day and the hour, because God the Father had put it in His own power to announce it at His own appointed time.


Result of Interpretation into

the Golden Bowl unchanged


The Bible said : “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” – Amos 3 : 7.  The prophecies are the secrets to be revealed in the time of the end by Ellen G. White & V.T. Houteff. However, the New Testament, except for the book of Revelation, is not a secret book. That is the reason why the following two verses presented by Matthews could not be interpreted anymore. The day or the hour, or the day and the hour, spoken of by Matthew in the Bible, after being interpreted into the golden bowl, will always remain unchanged.  That means, only God knows the date, or the day and the hour of the future events. No prophet nor any man whatever he is, will be authorized of God to know the date or the day and the hour of the coming events, which is the beginning of the purification of the church and the second coming of Jesus. From the Bible Matthew said:


[1]    “Watch therefore, for y e know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man come.” – Matthew 25 : 13.


[2]    “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looked not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of.” – Matthew 24 : 36, 50.


What is about the week, the month, and the year?


The prophecy of two thousand and three hundred days of Daniel 8 : 14 reached its termination in October 22, 1844.  Until then the golden bowl of Zechariah 4 was not as yet known among the people of God.  However, with the Bible in their midst they were fully aware that the second coming of Jesus was indeed very near at hand, and those verses directed to them by Matthew 24 and 25 were very seriously taken into consideration. Then several years beforehand they had succeeded to get the October 22, 1844 as the date, and the month, and the year, of the end of the long 2300 prophetic days of Daniel 8 : 14.  In other words, several years beforehand William Miller and his associates had succeeded to have set time of the event which was to occur in October 22, 1844. The servant of the Lord said:  “I saw that they were correct in their reckoning of the prophetic periods; prophetic time closed in 1844, and Jesus entered the most holy place to cleanse the sanctuary at the ending of the days.  Their mistake consisted in not understanding what the sanctuary was and the nature of its cleansing.” – Early Writings, p. 243.


William Miller and his time setting is said to be correct in their reckoning of the prophetic periods.  Why is he not condemned for the act of time setting?  He had set the date, the month, and the year, which is October 22, 1844.  The same question could also be raised:  Why did the Lord permit Houteff to write in his 2 Shepherd’s Rod, p. 255 the following statements:

“We may not presume that God had brought about these coincidences without an object in view. As the ceasing of the rain is a time type of the end of this world, so the ascension of Christ with those who were resurrected with Him, is a type of the ascension of the saints at the coming of the Lord.  It also reveals that His coming would be on Wednesday, and the train of glory shall depart for Heaven of heavens on Thursday. …………..From this it is evident that Christ shall come in the middle of the week. So again we find that one thing proves another. Such close calculations of the schedule of events that are soon to transpire, make it evident that the end of all things is at hand; otherwise the information would not as yet have been submitted.” – 2 S.Rod, p. 255.


Not all efforts to set times of the future events are to be condemned. God has inspired His servants, Miller and Houteff and even Ellen G. White, to set times not only for the benefit of their own respective life time, but especially for our time too.  We are not to easily condemn the so-called time setting to be sin, because before God declaring the date or the day and the hour of the future events, He would have made known first the months and the years of them. And from the fact that He is to proclaim only the date, and the day and the hour, of the events, it is inevitably clear, that the announcement of the date of that glorious event for the righteous but very solemn for the wicked, should have been given at soonest possible the same date a month beforehand. And the day and the hour wherein the Son of man came, should have been announced at soonest possible a week beforehand.


From Brother Houteff’s booklet entitled: THE JUDGMENT AND THE HARVEST, p. 55 he has shown us through a parabolic chart that the prophecy of Ezekiel 9 would meet its fulfillment between the months September and October. That is between the sixth and the seventh months of the Jewish calendar. Therefore, it is inevitably sure that the announcement of the years of the coming glorious events should have been given us in advance, prior to the announcement of the date of the purification of the Church, and the day and the hour of Jesus second coming.


Ever since the time of John the baptist, he already said:” Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”Matthew 3 : 2.  We now have waited for nearly 2.000 years, and still to be looking for several thousands more years in the future for the same kingdom, that is said to be very near at hand. Whereas only for to hear directly from the voice of God the announcement of the d a t e, which is to be made known at soonest possible a month beforehand. Is it logic, Brother and Sister, that the loving Father would yet be withholding from us the knowledge of the years of the future events, whereas we are now living in the time of the end?


  Formulation of Time Setting in the light of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY 


Time setting of future events formulated in the light of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, should not be condemned as an effort to invent a new gospel of private interpretation, to be inserted into the message. We must be very careful to treat the problem of “time setting”, because there are several contradictive statements to deal with in the message. Bro. Houteff had warned us as follows:


“We would never try to establish an idea on the basis of agreeing with one passage of scripture while disagreeing with another, for such a conclusion  is as sure to be erroneous as if one should conclude  that when the sun sets in the evening, it will never arise in the  morning.”Symbolic Code, vol. 2, No. 1, p. 5.


“The most common cause of doctrinal confusion among Bible students lies in their so very frequently failing to view a subject in full perspective from the writer’s point of view, — a failing which results in their seeing it from some foreign standpoint so narrowing their view that instead of gaining the writer’s idea on the subject, they gain a false idea on it. And if the idea be to their liking, they magnify and zealously promote it as truth, whereas if it be not to their liking, they vigorously oppose it, and then lay it to the responsibility of the writer!”The Judgment & the Harvest, p. 91.


“…….. it is never fair for one to assume a stand on an issue, solely on the weight of opinion derived from one or two verses, without first considering the verses in the light of the whole chapter, yes, even the entire Bible ; for  if one’s interpretation  of the Scripture is not supported by every sentence of the Holy Writ, it is a fallacious interpretation, a blind conclusion, without Bible foundation.” – Why Perish ?  pp. 75, 76.


One saying of the Saviour must not be made to destroy another. Though no man knoweth the day nor the hour of His coming, we are instructed and required to know when it is near. We are further taught that to disregard His warning, and refuse or neglect to know when His advent is near, will be as fatal for us as it was for those who lived in the days of Noah not to know when the Flood was coming.”The Great Controversy, p. 171.


With the above guidance given us by the servants of the Lord: Brother Houteff and Sister White, let us now begin our study of the future events with:


The 4.000 Years of Christ’s Work for Man’s Uplifting


“Satan led men into sin and the plan of redemption was put in operation. For four thousand years, Christ was working for man’s uplifting, and Satan for his ruin and degradation. And the heavenly universe beheld it all.”The Desire of Ages, p. 759.


“In the midst of the week He shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. In A.D. 31, three and a half years after His baptism, our Lord was crucified. With the great sacrifice offered upon

Calvary, ended that system of offerings which for four thousand years had pointed forward to the Lamb of God. Type had met antitype, and all the sacrifices and oblations of the ceremonial system were there to cease.”Great Controversy, pp. 327, 328.


Since the four thousand years ended in A.D. 31, then the beginning of the fall of Adam and Eve could be calculated to occur in 3969 B.C.


The 6.000 Years of Probation


“Satan’s work of ruin is forever ended. For six thousand years he has wrought his will, filling the earth with woe and causing grief throughout the universe.  The whole creation has groaned and travailed together in pain. Now God’s creatures are forever delivered from his presence and temptations.” – The Great Controversy, p. 673.


Probation is a period of time provided for men and women to repent. That is why the probation started with the fall of Adam and Eve, and to terminate at the end of the 6000 years. Bro. Houteff said:  “Therefore, our symbolical number of the Bible time, 600, must be multiplied by 10. Thus, 600 x 10 = 6.000 years of probationary time. This proves the length of time Christ will be a Saviour for sinners; and that our sinful world will be 6.000 years old when probation closes; and that we are living in the time of the end.” The Harvest, PARABOLICAL – CEREMONIAL, p. 71. Since the 4000 years of Christ’s sacrifice ended in A.D. 31, then the next 2000 years to reach the termination of the 6000 years is to fall in 2031.  Here is the probation for the whole world to close once and for eternity.


But before the close of probation, however, the gospel of the kingdom must first be proclaimed unto the whole world. So the kingdom must first be established, and its first citizens of the 144.000 purified Israelites of God, must first emerge prior to the close of probation.



The Establishment of the Kingdom in Palestine


Bro. Houteff said:


“The church of Christ’s day was determined to have the kingdom set up then, when not all was yet ready for it;  the church of today is determined not to have it now, when ‘the end of all things is at hand’ (1 Pet. 4 : 7) — when the time is fully come!  The Jews wanted back the kingdom which they had lost — a kingdom of sin and sinners. They were eager to be freed from Roman bondage only, instead of from sin and sinners also.” Mount Zion at the Eleventh Hour, p. 73.


“The apostles positively believed that Christ was to set up His kingdom a t His first advent, but they, too, had to change their belief.” – Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 13, pp. 6, 7.


“The Jews wanted a kingdom of their own, a kingdom of this world (saint and sinner in it). Yes, they wanted a kingdom on earth, but none in Heaven. What is more, they wanted it two thousand years ahead of schedule. Now, ironically, in the time of the restoration of the Kingdom, the Denomination takes an opposite attitude: It wants a kingdom in Heaven, but none on earth.– Timely Greetings, Vol.1, No. 15, p. 20.


According to the schedule, the coming Kingdom would have been established 2.000 years after the first advent of Christ. When shall we start counting: from the year of His birth or from the year of His baptism in 27.  Remember that we are now dealing with the law of the Kingdom of God, and the related law science must also be taken into consideration. So the year of His baptism must be taken to be the start of counting. It was just in that year when John the baptist had proclaimed Jesus to the Jews as their king, and that year too has been identified by how the Jews held rallies in the streets to welcome Jesus as their king. The servant of the Lord said :

“When the Son of man rode triumphantly into Jerusalem, they expected Him to be crowned king. The people flocked from the entire region about, and cried, “Hosanna to the Son of David.” Matthew 21 : 9.” – Life Sketches, p. 62.


It is God’s own schedule that the coming Kingdom is to be established in Palestine in 2.027, that is 2.000 years from the time the Jews expected Jesus to be their king after His baptism in 27.


You  may possibly ask me now :  Why did Houteff say :   “I wish that I could tell you all you want to know, but I could not say how soon the separation, the purification of the church (Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 80) will take place. God alone knows the time.” — 2 TG #41, p. 3. Is it not better for him to tell the people, that God has His own schedule, that the separation, the purification of the people, and the establishment of the Kingdom would take place in 2.027 that is 2.000 years from the time the Jews expected Jesus to be their King after His baptism in 27?


Here again is clearly seen, how consistent are the servants of the Lord (Ellen G. White and V.T. Houteff) to keep their words as the voice of God.  They honestly know,  that although the years of those future events have been made known to both of them, however, the time, in the sense of, “the date” and “ the day and the hour”,  of the two main future events (the establishment of the kingdom and the second coming of Jesus), ‘the Father hath put in His own power.’ God alone knows the time.



Time for accomplishing Gospel proclamation

in all the world



The time provided for the kingdom and its 144.000 inmates to accomplish the Gospel proclamation in all the world is (2.031 – 2.027) = 4 years.  During these years the dragon is to go to make war with the remnant of the seed of the woman. (Rev. 12 : 17), or, in other prophetic words of Ezekiel  38 : 14 -18 Bro. Houteff has clarified : “Clearly, this Kingdom of Israel is set up in the latter days, in the days before the millennium, for after the Kingdom is set up, Gog opens war against it.” —  2 Timely Greetings, p. 19.This is the time of trouble for the remnant people of God of the whole world , who are to welcome the loud cry of the  message, proclaimed to them in forceful power of the Spirit of the latter rain , by the 144.000  elects of God , followed by Ellen G. White, Victor T. Houteff and other resurrected ones of Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 17.


Then when the time of probation comes to a close exactly in 2031, and the fact that no more mercy could avail to save Gog and his men to that end, and then comes the prophetic words of Ezekiel 39 : 1 – 7 to meet their fulfillments.  Bro. Houteff said : “Gog, you see, shall fail to rob God’s people. He will instead perish in the mountains of


Israel.” — 2 Timely Greetings, p. 19.



The Time of the Seven Last Plagues


The seven last plagues will cover a period of time. From the Shepherd’s Rod , vol.2, p. 161 Bro. Houteff said :  “From that point of the chart (close of probation at page 150) to the second coming of Christ and the beginning of the millennium, there will be fifteen months — “a season and a time” (Dan. 7 : 11, 12.).”

A season = 3 months; a time = a year or twelve months.  From the close of probation in 2.031 to the second coming of Christ, there will be 15 months. This same period would also be found in the prophecy of Ezekiel 39 : 8 – 15:


Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof I have spoken. And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons ……… and they shall burn them with fire s e v e n    y e a r s. ………………… .……….


And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea : and it shall stop the noses of the passengers : and there  shall  they bury  Gog  and  all  his  multitude :  and  they  shall  call  it  The  Valley  of  Hammon-Gog. And   s e v e n   m o n t h s  shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanses the land. Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them: and it shall be to them renown the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord God. ……….”


The prophetic seven years and seven months must yet to be interpreted.  Since they are the period of time after Gog and his multitudes being discomfited in 2.031, then they must cover a prophetic period of seven years and seven months, beginning from. 2031.And since the” prophetic number seven” means completeness, then it is unavoidable to conclude that “the prophetic seven years and seven months” must inevitably mean the same period of one year and three months of the seven last plagues.


So by adding one year and three months to the year 2.031, we will have the 2.033 to be the year of the second coming of Christ. The second coming of Christ is to occur in 2.033.



Be careful of

Contradictive Statements of the Saviour


“The great truths necessary for salvation are made clear as the noonday, and none will mistake and lose their way except those who follow their own judgment instead of the plainly revealed will of God.” – 5 Testimonies, p. 331.


Result of setting time of the future events, as plainly revealed in the light of the SRod   :

1.       The establishment of the Kingdom in 2.027

2.       The close of probation  in 2.031, and

3.       The second coming of Christ in 2.033

should not necessary  make us lose our way, because it is the will of God Himself to set the years of the events through His servants, while concealing  the date of the coming Kingdom, and the day and the hour of the second coming of Christ for Himself to announce on the right time.


I present to you herewith, dear Readers, the following 5 quotations that seemed very contradictive against the last two of number [6] and [7], which have been taken by some of the leaders of Mount Carmel Center to fight me, for the reason of setting time.


[1]    “Again and again have I been warned in regard to time setting. There will never again be a message for the people of God that will be based on time. We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ.” – 1 Selected Messages, p. 188.


[2]    “Let all our brethren and sisters beware  of anyone who would set a time for the Lord to fulfill His word in regard to His coming, or in regard to any other promise He has made of special significance.” – TM. p. 55.


[3]    “I wish that I could tell you all you want to know, but I could not say how soon the separation, the purification of the church (Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 80) will take place. God alone knows the time.”2 TG #41, p. 3.


[4]    “The message sets no date, either exact or approximate, for the closing of the judgment of the dead, or for the beginning of the judgment of the living. The time of the cessation of the one event and the beginning of the other, is not to be known until the one is past and the other begun.” – Answerer Book 1, p. 94.


[5]    “We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ …..You will not be able to say that He will come in one, two, or five years, neither are you to put off His coming by stating that it may not be for ten  or twenty years.”Review and Herald, March 22, 1892,


[6]    “The Jews wanted a kingdom of their own, a kingdom of this world (saint and sinner in it). Yes, they wanted a kingdom on earth, but none in Heaven. What is more, they wanted it two thousand years ahead of schedule. Now, ironically, in the time of the restoration of the Kingdom, the Denomination takes an opposite attitude: It wants a kingdom in Heaven, but none on earth.” – Timely Greetings, Vol.1, No. 15, p. 20.


[7]    “We may not presume that God had brought about these coincidences without an object in view. As the ceasing of the rain is a time type of the end of this world, so the ascension of Christ with those who were resurrected with Him is a type of the ascension of the saints at the coming of the Lord. It also reveals that His coming would be on Wednesday, and the train of glory shall depart for Heaven of heavens on Thursday. …………..From this it is evident that Christ shall come in the middle of the week. So again we find that one thing proves another. Such close calculations of the schedule of events that are soon to transpire, make it evident that the end of all things is at hand; otherwise the information would not as yet have been submitted.” – 2 S.Rod, p. 255.


The fundamentalist leaders assume the time to mean whatever time it might be, whether the date, or the day, or the hour, or the week, or the month, or the year. We are not allowed by them to teach the time setting, even though the years of various events of the world history have been provided us by the Lord Himself in the message. Here again is their sin against those stipulated in Rev. 22 : 18, 19. They forget the word of the Lord through His humble servant, who had warned us long beforehand, when she said:


One saying of the Saviour must not be made to destroy another. Though no man knoweth the day nor the hour of His coming, we are instructed and required to know when it is near. We are further taught that to disregard His warning, and refuse or neglect to know when His advent is near, will be as fatal for us as it was for those who lived in the days of Noah not to know when the Flood was coming.”The Great Controversy, p. 171.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Proverb 1 : 7. One sentence of Scripture is more value than ten thousand of man’s ideas or arguments. Those who refuse to follow God’s way will finally receive the sentence, “Depart from Me.” — 7 Testimonies, p. 71. God set no man to pronounce judgment on His Word, selecting some things as inspired and discrediting others as uninspired. The testimonies have been treated in the same way; but God is not in this. — Letter 22, 1889. – 1 Selected Messages, p. 23.



Lesson from the experience


in the time of Miller and his associates



Sister White said:


“The proclamation of a definite time for Christ’s coming called forth great opposition from many of all classes, from the minister in the pulpit down to the most reckless, Heaven-daring sinner. The words of prophecy were fulfilled: ‘There shall come in the last day’s scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.’2 Peter 3 : 3, 4. Many, who professed to love the Saviour, declared that they had no opposition to the doctrine of the Second Advent; they merely objected to the definite time. But God’s all seeing-eye read their hearts. They did not wish to hear of Christ’s coming to judge the world in righteousness. They had been unfaithful servants, their works would not bear the inspection of the heart-searching God, and they feared to meet their Lord.  Like the Jews at the time of Christ’s first advent they were not prepared to welcome Jesus. They not only refused to listen to his plain arguments from the Bible, but ridiculed those who were looking for the Lord. Satan and his angels exulted, and flung the taunt in the face of Christ and holy angels that His professed people had so little love for Him that they did not desire His appearing.


No man knoweth the day nor the hour “was the argument most often brought forward by the rejecters of the advent faith. The scripture is: “Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” Matthew 24 : 36.  A clear and harmonious explanation of this text was given by those who were looking for the Lord, and the wrong use made of it by their opponents was clearly shown. ………………………One saying of the Saviour must not be made to destroy another. Thou no man knoweth the d a y nor the h o u r of His coming, we are instructed and required to know when it is near. We are further taught that to disregard His warning, and refuse or neglect to know when His advent is near, will be as fatal for us as it was for  those who lived in the days of Noah not to know when the Flood was coming.” – The Great Controversy, pp. 370, 371.


The above warnings given us by the servant of the Lord is that we are not to repeat the sins of those living in the time of William Miller and his people. Although there are several contradictive statements found in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY to deal with the problem of how close is the time of our deliverance, we are not allowed to use one saying of the Lord to destroy another.


Lesson from the Flood – Type


In regard to the coming destruction of this present world, Brother Houteff applied the Flood of Noah‘s time as a typical event. In his book “THE SHEPHERD’s ROD, volume 2, under the title: ‘The Flood a type of the Destruction of the Wicked’, he said:


“If the Flood is a type of the millennium, and the generation that perished then a type of the generation now living, then the number of days employed in the destruction of the Old world must be considered with the destruction of this  present world.” – 2 Shepherd’s Rod, p. 246.



Let us observe carefully to the following chart:



A few explanations from Houteff could be read as follows:


“……the closing of the door of the ark seven days before the destruction by the flood had begun is a type representing the time from the close of probation to the commencement of the plagues. It will further prove that the rain of forty days and forty nights is a type of the destruction of the wicked by the plagues. The 110 days (after the rain had stopped and before the waters were abated) is a time-type of the wicked, both during the millennium and for one hundred years after. Also that the clearing of the earth from the waters is a type of the destruction of the wicked by fire (the second death) after the millennium, and the fifty-six days in which the earth was dried is a type of the cooling of the earth after its purification from sin and sinners.


“As the above stated types are symbols of six different periodic events dealing with days, months and years, depending on the incident, their true meaning cannot be deciphered by comparison, neither would such method prove anything in this case, nor yet show Omnipotence in devising the type. Therefore, their true meaning is to be found by multiplication with Biblical numbers of special meaning to fit the incident and broaden the view.”2 Shepherd’s Rod, p. 251.


The Flood types symbolize 6 different periodic events:

  1. A short period of 49 days from the close of probation to the commencement of the seven last plagues.
  2. The 400 days for the duration of the seven last plagues to be poured out upon the wicked.
  3. The millennium or the 1000 years from the second coming of Jesus to the resurrection of the wicked.
  4. The 100 years for the wicked to live on the earth.
  5. The 164 days of earth burning during the destruction of the wicked by fire from heaven.
  6. The 56 days, a type of the cooling of the earth after its purification from sin and sinners.

From the revelation of the six periodic events which are to transpire from the close of probation to the second coming of Jesus, and from the second coming to the purified earth, shall we be yet doubting, that the times related to our own destiny, between this year and the year of the second coming of the Lord might still be clouded in mystery?  Are you still not sure that “Though no man knoweth the day nor the hour of His coming, we are instructed and required to know when it is near?



The Message Need no Time to Strengthen It!


The servant of the Lord said:


[1]    “Time had not been a test since 1844, and that time will never again be a test.” Early Writings, p. 75.



[2]    “I saw that some were getting a false excitement, arising from teaching time; but the third angels message is stronger than time can be. I saw that this message can stand on its own foundation and need no time to strengthen it; and that it will go in mighty power, and do its work, and will be cut short in righteousness.” — EW. 75.1.


Time has ever been a test for God people before 1844, because those who were not aware of the fulfillment of the 2.300 prophetic days of Daniel 8 : 14 in October 22, 1844, as widely proclaimed by William Miller and his associates, they fell from the favor of God, and then be pronounced to be the fallen Babylon of the second angel message.  However, since from the Early Writing, p. 75, is said, that time will never again be a test, we would certainly question, which time that will never again be a test now?  Since the years of the future events, as indirectly set by the message, are themselves parts of the message, and since they are themselves the products of inspiration of God, we would certainly ask, what is meant by the time that is no more to be a test for us now?


The answer is that the time in question is none other that the d a t e of the coming Kingdom, and the day and the hour of the second coming of Christ.


The cunning fundamentalist leaders take the 2 quotations from the Early Writings, p. 75 to justify their acts of prohibiting us from formulating time setting of the years of future events in the light of the SRod.


The Sin of Time Setting


The servant of the Lord said:


“Let all our brethren and sisters beware of anyone who would set a time for the Lord to fulfill His word in regard to His coming, or in regard to any other promise He has made of special significance. “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power.” False teachers may appear to be very zealous for the work of God, and may expend means to bring their theories before the world and the church; but as they mingle error with truth, their message is one of deception, and will lead souls into false paths. They are to be met and opposed, not because they are bad men, but because they are teachers of falsehood and are endeavoring to put upon falsehood the stamp of truth.


“What a pity it is that men will go to such pains to discover some theory of error when there is a whole storehouse of precious gems of truth by which the people might be enriched in the most holy faith.”Testimonies to Ministers, p. 55.


It is undeniable, that there must  come among us false teachers, who would  set a time for the Lord to fulfill his word  in regard to His second coming, or in regard to any other promise as to the establishment of the Kingdom in Palestine. But since they mingle error with truth, we should be able to prove their message to be one of deception.  The prophet Isaiah, in his prophetic word of Isa 8 : 20 gave us a test by which to testify the falsehood of their time setting. “To the Law and to the Testimony (which has now been developed into The Spirit of Prophecy of the Golden Bowl of Zech. 4), if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”


I have presented herewith, how the storehouse of precious gems of truth, has enriched us with the knowledge of the years of the future events, as of the establishment of the Kingdom in 2.027, of the close of probation in 2.031, and of the second coming of Christ in 2.033. And at the same time, I have proved the falsehood of all other efforts of those to formulate time setting of any future event without the light of the message.  Mrs. Houteff, one of the teachers of falsehood, has been found wrong, because her formulation of setting the 1959 to be the year of the establishment of the Kingdom is not fully based upon the message.  Hers is a theory of error, because she mingled error with truth.


However, conversely, the time setting has been one of the most perplexing problems for the leaders at the

Mount Carmel Center in Waco, Texas, USA.  In fact, it is not the will of God that we should come across such to be so perplexing, because it is only simple to comprehend, if the leaders might take for granted all those contradictive statements as they are, and then look into the light of the Rod to find their solution.  The servant of the Lord said:


“The Bible and the books of the Spirit of Prophecy being the sole source of the Shepherd’s Rod message, therefore when the Rod is taught, the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are taught. And since none but the Spirit of Truth, who transmitted the mysteries of Inspiration, can interpret them, then those who attempt to teach them without this inspired interpretational Authority, inevitably fall into the forbidden practice of private interpretation (2 Pet. 1 : 20) — the great evil which has brought Christendom into its present almost – boundless state of schism and consequent confusion, strife, and impotency.”


“As we dare not follow in such a path, we must therefore, as teachers of the Shepherd’s Rod teach  only i n    t h e  l i g h t  o f  t h e  R o d   those  passages  which  in  one way  or  another  need  to  be  interpreted. T h u s  o n l y  will all Present Truth believers ever become of the same mind, seeing eye to eye and speaking the same thing (1 Cor. 1 : 10; 1 Pet. 3 : 8 ; Isa 52 : 8). Fundamental Beliefs, pp. 26, 27.


Instead of teaching in the light of the Rod (the Shepherd’s Rod message), that o n l y the date of the cessation of the judgment of the dead, and the beginning of the judgment of the living, and the day and the hour of the second coming of Christ, are prohibited to be set by human mind, they even prohibit all the years as well of the coming events as taught by the message itself. Is this not one of the great evil committed by our own leaders, which has brought the Present Truth believers into its present almost-boundless state of schism and consequent confusion, strife, and impotency? Yes, it is the specific sin of Rev. 22 : 18, 19, committed by only those, whose capacity as leaders, having the power to add or to subtract something from the message of the Rod. These are they which fail to be redeemed from among men, because in their mouth is to be found g u i l e.


Summaries & Conclusion


With so many isms along with so many kinds of opinions toward the message of the SRod, dominating the Present Truth believers today, the servant of the Lord had reminded us:



“The most common cause of doctrinal confusion among Bible students lies in their so very frequently failing to view a subject in full perspective from the writer’s point of view, — a failing which results in their seeing it from some foreign standpoint so narrowing their view that instead of gaining the writer’s idea on the subject, they gain a false idea on it. And if the idea be to their liking, they magnify and zealously promote it as truth, whereas if it be not to their liking, they vigorously oppose it, and then lay it to the responsibility of the writer!”The Judgment & the Harvest, p. 91.


“We would never try to establish an idea on the basis of agreeing with one passage of scripture while disagreeing with another, for such a conclusion is as sure to be erroneous as if one should conclude that when the sun sets in the evening, it will never arise in the morning.”Symbolic Code, vol. 2, No. 1, p. 5.


 “…….. it is never fair for one to assume a stand on an issue, solely on the weight of opinion derived from one or two verses, without first considering the verses in the light of the whole chapter, yes, even the entire Bible; for if one’s interpretation of the Scripture is not supported by every sentence of the Holy Writ, it is a fallacious interpretation, a blind conclusion, without Bible foundation.” – Why Perish?  pp. 75, 76.




“The church of Christ’s day was determined to have the kingdom set up then, when not all was yet ready for it ;  the church of today is determined not to have it now, when ‘the end of all things is at hand’ (1 Pet. 4 : 7) — when the time is fully come !  The Jews wanted back the kingdom which they had lost — a kingdom of sin and sinners. They were eager to be freed from Roman bondage only, instead of from sin and sinners also.”Mount Zion at the Eleventh Hour, p. 73.


“The apostles positively believed that Christ was to set up His kingdom a t His first advent, but they, too, had to change their belief.” – Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 13, pp. 6, 7.


“The Jews wanted a kingdom of their own, a kingdom of this world (saint and sinner in it). Yes, they wanted a kingdom on earth, but none in Heaven. What is more, they wanted it two thousand years ahead of schedule. Now, ironically, in the time of the restoration of the Kingdom, the Denomination takes an opposite attitude: It wants a kingdom in Heaven, but none on earth.– Timely Greetings, Vol.1, No. 15, p. 20.


“When the Son of man rode triumphantly into Jerusalem, they expected Him to be crowned king. The people flocked from all the region about, and cried, “Hosanna to the Son of David.” Matthew 21 : 9.” – Life Sketches, p. 62.


Note: The present leadership, who are now dominating the Mount Carmel Center in Waco, Texas, is trying to conceal the value of the above quotations as though they are of not worth knowing. They positively acknowledge the authenticity of the quotations as the inspired word of God,  but, since they want to preserve the truth of their own private ideas, that no time setting is allowed of the Lord, they then  treated the words of those quotations as of not worth considering. They have intentionally avoided the warning presented us by the servant of the Lord, when she said:


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Proverb 1 : 7. One sentence of Scripture is more value than ten thousand of man’s ideas or arguments. Those who refuse to follow God’s way will finally receive the sentence, “Depart from


Me.” — 7 Testimonies, p. 71. “God set no man to pronounce judgment on His Word, selecting some things as inspired and discrediting others as uninspired. The testimonies have been treated in the same way; but God is not in this. —Letter 22, 1889.” – 1 Selected Messages, p. 23.




The News From The ”Father of Lights“, Los Angeles, California, October 15, 1934, in the Symbolic Code News Items, in fact, can no more f u l l y applicable today, ever since the Scroll has been fully unrolled. But the chaff qualified leaders, however, still regard themselves to be the legitimate officers in charge, with full power of God, to execute judgment upon those who dare to prevent them from developing the rules of their policy.


Based upon the same News From the “Father of Light”, Los Angeles, California, October 15, 1934, they seemed to build for the first time the view of fundamentalism in their midst. Such an idea seemed very honest at its early stages, but later the views of fundamentalism became the stumbling block to the development of the message itself. Several views of fanaticism and extremism emerged among the leadership of the people of its consequences, that the freedom, of the evangelists, pastors, and teachers to use their capacity to the full to write and to teach freely the message in the light of the Shepherd’s Rod, began to be restricted.  Here again is to be seen from Houteff’s own word, when he said:


“The most common cause of doctrinal confusion among Bible students lies in their so very frequently failing to view a subject in full perspective from the writer’s point of view, — a failing which results in their seeing it from some foreign standpoint so narrowing their view that instead of gaining the writer’s idea on the subject, they gain a false idea on it. And if the idea be to their liking, they magnify and zealously promote it as truth, whereas if it be not to their liking, they vigorously oppose it, and then lay it to the responsibility of the writer!”The Judgment & the Harvest, p. 91.




Although Houteff ever said in The Symbolic Code, vol.1, No.4, page 1, dated October 15, 1934: “Teach the message as it is — add nothing to it, neither take anything from it. Do not feel that it is your duty to answer everybody‘s questions, or to explain the whole Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Only a silly person attempts such a thing. The  s c r o l l   i s   n o t    y e t   u n r o l l e d   t h a t   f a r.  Do not go beyond what the Shepherd’s Rod has explained. ……………………. There was never a prophet who claimed to explain everything to his opponents even though the questions to be answered were concerning his own message.”


Now, since the scroll has been unrolled, we are no more now prohibited from explaining the whole Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy to answer everybody’s questions. If there was never a prophet in the past, who claimed to explain everything to his opponents, even though the questions to be answered were concerning his own message, now in this time of the end, since all the messages of the prophets have been fully interpreted into the golden bowl, there is no more excuse for the divinely appointed ministers for being incapable to teach the whole message to their opponents, either orally or by writing. Jesus Himself ever said:  “When the Spirit of Truth is come He will guide you unto all Truth, ……and He will show you (all) things to come.”John 16 : 13. 


After a long run under the guidance of the Spirit, we must be able to achieve the whole knowledge of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.  And then the following statement must be fulfilled when Sister White said:  “God has given us light in regard to the things that are now taking  place  in  the  last  remnant  of  time, and  with p e n  and   v o i c e  we (as ministers) are to proclaim the truth to the world (beginning in the Church), not in a tame, spiritless way, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power of God.Testimonies To Ministers, p. 470 (In brackets are inserted).




One saying of the Saviour must not be made to destroy another. Though no man knoweth the day nor the hour of His coming, we are instructed and required to know when it is near.”– The Great Controversy, p. 171.


There are several reasons that we have been instructed and required to know when the coming of the Lord is near:


1.     That we might dig deeper into the mines of truth in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, because only therein could we find the answer to all the reasons.

2.     That those who oppose the truth may emerge upon the stage to present their various contradictive ideas, thatthe chaff qualified virgins with the guiles in their mouth (Revelation 14 :  5) could be easily identified.

3.     That the result of the time setting under the guidance of the SPIRIT of God could be clearly distinguished from all other results of private interpretations under the guidance of the Devil.

4.     That may it be known to all that only the date of the purification of the Church, and the day and the hour of the second coming of Jesus, will be held by God the Father Himself to announce on His own appointed time.

5.     That we have been instructed and be required to know only when the coming of Jesus is near, and not to know the exact time set for the coming.


6.     Because to disregard His warning, and refuse or neglect to know when His advent is near, will be as fatal for us as it was for those who lived in the days of Noah not to know when the Flood was coming.”


May all the leaders of the Mount Carmel Center be convinced of their failures and neglected duty, that even up to now it is still neglected and undone. Let them no more boast of their present capability to prophesy and to do great things in the name of Christ, and unless they repent and change their view of fundamentalism, to teach the message more properly as it should be, they will finally receive the sentence: “Depart from Me!”   Once again the servant of the Lord remind you, dear Leaders, to obey the following instruction: “……… we must therefore, as  teachers of the Shepherd’s Rod  teach   only  i n  t h e  l i g h t  o f   t h e  R o d   those passages which in one way or another need to be interpreted.  T h u s  o n l y  will all Present Truth believers ever become of the same mind,  seeing eye to eye and speaking the same thing (1 Cor. 1 : 10; 1 Pet. 3 : 8 ; Isa 52 : 8). Fundamental Beliefs, pp. 26, 27.


And for all the people, who stay watch and pray for nearly two thousand years to get into the Kingdom, which was claimed by John the Baptist to be very near at hand (Matthew 3 : 2),  the same Kingdom is just to be established soon in Palestine in the coming 2.027.  And to the surprising of all, however, t h e  d a t e  of that glorious event would be announced in advance by God Himself, sometime before September or in October of the same year, because according to Bro. Houteff in his symbolic chart entitled THE HARVEST – Matthew 13, the prophecy of Ezekiel 9 should have been fulfilled between September and October. We have been warned in the following words:


“Up to a certain time God’s people do not know the day and the hour, but if they continue to receive meat in due season a day will come when this servant is going to be made aware of that hour of that day.


“This illustration was not given to us alone, but to all God’s people ever since it was written, and they were warned to be ready all the time, because no one knew the day and the hour of His coming. But as Truth progresses and the Word of God (the scroll) unrolls, God’s servants in the end are to be aware of the day and the hour. Does it not say that? That is just what it does say.”The Symbolic Code, Vol. 11, No. 12, p. 8.



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